Some fantastic speakers lined up for this event, including @TacticalGrace, @mjpt777, and @dibblego!
@NicoleWill100 Slay them dragons.
Bookmarking for the next friend who muses about opening a knitting shop or mibrobrewery…
And it’s the night before @yow_conf! (Did I mention there are < 25 tickets left, Melbourne?! 😱 )
@Super70sSports @GaelFC This just reminded me of a pattern I’ve been meaning to knit for ages:
RT @AndyRichter: “WHAT ABOUT CHICAGO?” regurgitates every gun loving NRA puppet, even though this “point” is easily debunked. So ONE MORE T…
Thought I was done with speaking engagements for the year, but no. 😆 Thanks @tomaszbednarz for the invitation!
RT @nicolefv: always true:
@mootpointer Yours?! Congratulations!!!
@mootpointer You’re a Dad. You’re a DAD NOW. I can see how that’s world changing. Wow.
RT @yow_conf: Join our last SYD #yownight before #yow17 w/@LeeRyanCampbell Nov 9 on Cost of Dependencyhttps://yn201711-syd-leecampbell.even…
I’m watching Q&A because my nephew was on it tonight. “But you hate #QandA!” the Snook says. I’m watching it on mute.
Just discovered my DVD can playback at 1.5x. Speed-watching Q&A on mute = 👍
@LapTop006 I usually don’t. Just trying to get a screen grab on my nephew in the audience.
@BradSearleAU An autocorrected DVR
RT @KnitYak: sold out again on thanks everyone! some new scarves will be listed by tomorrow. ✨🧣 📦✨
Interesting reading about #ParadisePapers right after chapter in Roald Dahl’s biography about how his tax avoidance schemes failed.