Shared today on Twitter

Juan Miguel de Joya (another impressive CV!) giving us so much info about empathic computing it’s hard to find time to tweet! #vismatters2017 #VizMatters

RT @sunday9pm: Citizens breaking out of filter bubbles: Urban screens as civic media #VizMatters @martintom @tomas…

Looking at using Web VR within UNSW Moodle for innovative ways of teaching. Neat! #VizMatters #vismatters2017

Miles Green from @AnimalLogic talking about using fractals to design super detailed sets for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Fascinating stuff. #VizMatters #vismatters2017

Learning from @museummike how the @ANMMuseum uses video to create a narrative for guests – rather than a quiet museum piece, to put them on Das Boot. #vismatters2017 #vismatters2017

RT @yow_conf: #yowcto Summit in Melbourne is next week!!!

Only a handful of tickets left, so don’t leave it too late:…

@DeveloperSteve @coder_bec 👋😊

@boyter Congrats!

@boyter Trying out SwiftKey keyboard on phone 😂

Fun is… organising a meetup when 2 of your 3 speakers cancel due to emergency. 😱🔫

Absolute champion @ADuckIsMyFiend is presenting via Google Hangout to a large crowd of @GGDSydney @WWCSyd @yow_conf attendees at @SafetyCultureHQ!

@hima_tk @Jonwestenberg @Mandy_Kerr @polleyg @battlepanda_au Thanks for commiserating! We’re coping. Skype + last minute replacement = success?! 🤞

So far so good! 🤞

@polleyg @hima_tk @Jonwestenberg @Mandy_Kerr @battlepanda_au

“This is Chinese. I’m sorry ; I can’t pronounce it because the phonetics are on my speaker notes which I can’t see when I’m screen sharing…” 😂 @ADuckIsMyFiend is a CHAMPION. 🏆

The Google Hangouts microphone thingy is smiling at me.

Special stand-in speaker @evanderkoogh is making it look easy with his talk on testing in production…

@battlepanda_au @polleyg @hima_tk @Jonwestenberg @Mandy_Kerr Would that it were, mate.

“Testing in production makes us… harder, better, faster, stronger.” 😂 @evanderkoogh

Learning the basics of graph neural networks with @SafetyCultureHQ’s own data scientist Shujia!

Best use of the Batman-slapping-Robin meme I’ve seen in ages! If your algorithm gets the wrong answer, you need back propagation.

@Malarkey We handled it, but will remember for next time! ❤️

RT @LJKenward: Really cool thing at @freeCodeCamp #Melbourne happened tonight, both @phpmelb & us were hosting meetups at @CollCampus – PHP…

RT @fbz: what i worked on this weekend: mandelbrot scarves 🧣 they’ll ship with the source code used to generate them, pixel native to what…

😱 If you work in a Product team, you’ll regret missing your chance to learn from @jeffpatton!

@CanvaTech @sydjs WAIT, WHAT? Good thing I saw this. I’m speaking tomorrow and I totally would’ve gone to the old place instead. 😂

RT @CanvaTech: We’re proud to be the new hosts of the main @sydjs meetup. First one is on tomorrow, sign up!

@developerjack AIRPOD WANNABE 😜

RT @NassimKhadem: Meet the male company directors getting voted against for no women on their boards @smh @theage @…

@jon077 @mipsytipsy It was recorded – not sure yet if it’ll be made public. Will let you know!

RT @mobywhale: In case you didn’t realise (like me!), SydJS tomorrow night is going to be at Canva, *not* Atlassian!

@nic_hazell @shestarts I can’t wait to meet them and heat their stories!

RT @nic_hazell: This. Is. The. Future.
Blown away by the incredible startup founders who came through our doors for @SheStarts bootcamp tod…

@developerjack Not seeing good reviews of the Pixel Buds unfortunately. 🙁

@earlybits @alshalloway The point is that a creating a culture of heroes incentivises people to build software in such a way that you keep having P1 bugs found on production.

RT @DocOnDev: Join me in Melbourne Australia for “The Technical Debt Trap” at YOW! @yow_conf

And yay, @kytrinyx will be speaking at @yow_conf Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney in the coming weeks! Tickets still available (except for Melbs 😥)

@earlybits @alshalloway That’s why the entire meetup I was quoting was about the importance of building a strong devops culture and emphasising observability over monitoring. The goal is no 2am emergency issues.

Just ran through my @sydjs talk for tonight! (How are there still tickets available for this? It’s at @canva which always means good 🍗 and 🍻, and there are three other amazing talks on too. YOU SHOULD GO TO THIS.)

@themaninblue @CanvaTech @sydjs LOL. I literally tweeted about it again at the same second you told me too. 😜

@melissa_loh I am excited about this!!

@blakkat We survived. One speaker Skyped in; picked up an emergency backup for the other. All good!

@Malarkey Dammit Andy! The first rule of “Retire to Hobart” Club is we don’t talk about how awesome Hobart is, lest everybody else drives up the housing prices.

@Malarkey Put this on the list for your next trip: Lovely food, and a guided walk with Sean (who is an environmentalist) is a must!

@fox @canva @Atlassian @RMIT What are you after? @themaninblue and @crankymate are at Canva and very supportive of the local tech community!

@fox @themaninblue @crankymate @JSConfAU @cssconfau Oh nice! CFP’s still open too, right? They could probably rustle up some submissions too. (Note to self: get on that.)

Amazing. Fave part: “you don’t stand up to ignorance in the hopes of changing anyone’s minds, you stand up to ignorance in the hopes that the others around who might be too scared or uncomfortable saying something will hear you, will feel empowered, validated and less lonely.”

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.