Recovery breakfast of huevos rancheros and tamale. Much needed! ☺️
RT @amykate_94: So last night I accidentally discovered that my phone takes short videos before taking photos and it made this at #yow17
@talinoob @yow_conf @delitescere YOW 2017 speaker dinner. There was speech-ifying happening. 😂
@nellasantos 😂😂😂
@metaeaux I’m so glad you could join us! Best of luck with the wedding planning. 🙂
@AshKyd Completely done!
@realn2s @lindaliukas We recorded it so it will be on the @yow_conf YouTube channel in the coming weeks!
@mattdelves You’ll have to watch the video of Kasper’s talk once it goes up on the @yow_conf YouTube channel. 😉
@_hhandoko @mamund I’m all conferenced out at the moment, so I’ll leave that one with @mamund…
@joshprice @yow_conf @lindaliukas ❤️ Wonderful!!
@Mandy_Kerr I believe there’s @NodeGirlsBri!
RT @realscientists: Please do not say “I know you can’t read this from the back but…”. If you know people can’t read it, modify said slid…
Voyager 1 Fires Up Thrusters After 37 Years // Space stuff always makes me cry! Go go, little Voyager. 😭
Tip for conference speakers: “table stakes” is a metaphor you may want to avoid, or else provide some additional context. I ran a poll on the @GGDSydney Slack this week and 2/3 of respondents didn’t know what it meant.
@crucially @GGDSydney I’d consider poker metaphors in that category. Most people only know it from watching people on TV play.
@aprilwensel Exactly! Just adding a bit of extra context – “the bare minimum, the starting point” – in enough I think.
@crucially @GGDSydney Interesting!!
@JM77 Its a huge thing in the US, because American Coke uses high fructose corn syrup. Mexican Coke uses sugar.
@JM77 That said – I thought Aussie Coke used real sugar anyway. 🤔
@mwotton @GGDSydney I can’t believe I didn’t make that joke. 😂
Looks like a good thread for bookmarking!