Shared today on Twitter

The search for the perfect red lippie continues. This one might be a contender! @katvondbeauty

Myer Sydney has the Women of NASA Lego set!! Thanks @unlikelylibrary for the tip! @mmastertheone

The @GGDSydney women are causing a run on this set, so don’t delay if you want one! Plus right now 20% off when you buy 2 Lego sets. πŸ˜‚

@stufromoz @unlikelylibrary @mmastertheone Nah, there’s still plenty!

@ahuijsen That’s awesome! I’m thrilled for you. πŸ‘

@voltagex Yep. You should read Neil Gaiman’s recent Norse Mythology book. Very good!

RT @emilywithcurls: if ur a software engineer doing squats that would be considered back end development

Oh thank goodness. Not everything is terrible. πŸ‘ Well done Alabama! (That was way too close.)

@200ok Bah. No Wonder Woman. πŸ˜•

@slyall Oh phew! I thought I was bringing up the rear. πŸ™‚

@teknetia @AshKyd If it’s easier, I wrote a script that creates an iCal feed with all the tech meetups for each city (Sydney/Melb/Bris/Perth/Hobart). Updated once each day:

RT @MichelePlayfair: If you ever wondered what community builders look like, here’s a couple of awesome examples. I am lucky to work with t…

I finally started watching Riverdale series 2 today, which should make @HANSwerThePhone and @saberkite very happy… #bughead4eva

@JM77 Aren’t those just it’s normal decorations? πŸ˜‚

RT @LJKenward: I was consumed with announcing last night but big shout to @LukeMesiti for nailing his 1st radio int…

RT @alexwitze: NASA now has a screaming-eagle-with-telescopes-and-rockets graphic. #AGU17 cc @gbrumfiel

RT @unixbigot: So, all those analyses of the Mirai code that concluded its text indicated an author who was not fluent in English missed th…

@msharp Bravo! 🀣

@hima_tk Nice! I haven’t tried it yet. My problem is I end up smearing them all over. The new one is the “paint it on and let it dry” style, which seems to be working better.

@the_patima You got this.

RT @Geo_Miles: As @NASAJuno passed Mars, scientists noticed that Mars couldn’t fully clear its orbit of dust, leading an #AGU17 audience me…

This thread made me tear up on the bus. (Why is there no happy-crying emoji?)

Thought my new Airpods were clicking, then realised they’re just hitting my dangly earrings.

I wonder if Apple had any testers who wear earrings. 😐

@eleanorkh @MelissaKaulfuss @ZacDavies Sudden urge for mince pies. I blame you all.

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.