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RT @realcanberra: Alexander Downer is proof you should NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF AN AUSTRALIAN DRINKING AT A BAR…

Unit and integration tests passing. Yet to see if the end-to-test (aka whether it fits on my boots) works.

@sw Absolutely. They’re seen as affable, not devious, up for a good time. Existing network of expats and backpackers gives a good cover story.

@sw If Jean le CarrΓ© hasn’t written a book about an Aussie spy ring yet, he really should. πŸ˜‚

@OphelieLechat Similarly, I’ve become enamoured of the Blondihacks blog. Now I want a machine shop.

@slyall Awww, nice. Is that your domain? How’d you get it up on there?

@gilmae Ahhh. Deal went through?

@slyall Ahhh, cool. Thanks.

Customer Acceptance test FAIL. Back to the drawing board. 😐

@hitsthings That’s honestly why I sew more than knit lately. The feedback cycles are much shorter. πŸ™‚

I will conquer shorts! These are 3rd attempt at @colettepatterns Iris, and they *almost* work. Still some bum adjustments to be made…

Okay, that smiley face was cool!! #SydNYE

My fave thing about Sydney fireworks coverage is seeing an occasional freaked out fruit bat for across the screen. Poor things! πŸ¦‡πŸŽ‡

Lazy NYE for those who live close to Sydney Harbour: open the doors and listen to the booms while you watch the πŸŽ‡ on the telly!

Fun math we just worked out: our house is 4km from the middle of the Bridge, and the sound takes 11s to reach us!

I’m glad Barnesy is still kicking, but I happened to catch the original “Cheap Wine” video earlier this year and IT CHANGED MY LIFE. #hotbarnesy #SydneyNYE

@knitterjp I probably miss a lot!

“Hey Google, how old is Marcia Hines?” SIXTY FOUR. Damn, lady. She looks amazing. #SydneyNYE

@haruki_zaemon I learned it from @tmbg!

@knitterjp Only because I saw Simon Day play an acoustic set at Homebake in 2002, and he played “That Ain’t Bad” and my inner 16yo DIED OF LOVE.

Still two hours to go, but we’re cracking the MoΓ«t! πŸ₯‚

@ThePepperCherry Enjoy:

I wrote a long blog post about how we use our Google Home and Mini. Six months ago I wouldn’t have thought I’d find them so useful on a daily basis!

RT @JohnSafran: Don’t forget to make all your new year’s resolutions passive-aggressive swipes at everyone else with no reflection on how y…

When the fireworks are so intense the ABC’s encoder can’t keep up! #SydneyNYE

Happy New Year! Bring on 2018.

@starbuxman Happy New Year friend! I hope we cross paths again in 2018. πŸ™‚

I’m a sucker for the curtain of sparks. So pretty. My favourite part. πŸŽ‡β€οΈ #SydNYE

First video I watched in 2018. I hope it’s a harbinger of all the wonderful, cute, funny things to come!

@developerjack @CloverMoore I noticed it was so much more colourful this year. β€οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@mootpointer Hmm. You may on to something. The other one I captured was a chopper shot too.

@crankymate Happy New Year! I’m glad 2017 brought you and your fam back to Sydney. πŸ™‚

@parisba Same to you and @TheMartianLife and all the lovely Tassie folks!

@chaitanyakuber Happy New Year to you!

RT @pridecodes: Happy #NewYearsEve everybody!
May your 2018 be full of rainbows! πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

We drank the whole bottle of MoΓ«t! First accomplishment of 2018 βœ…

@elegantpoem It can! If you’re using more than one, it’s helpful to give them names so you can refer to them.

In case you missed it while you were partying, I wrote a long blog post yesterday about the Google Home and what we use ours for!

@biscuitlad I think my accent would be the more problematic issue. I’m fine when saying stock standard phrases, but it struggles when I go “off-book”.