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@mark_sabbatical What was it??

@mark_sabbatical Ooh, something from @glasnt? I missed it.

RT @glasnt: I’ll be talking about the cross-stitch part of this pipeline at the #lca2018 Art + Tech miniconf!


@glasnt @mark_sabbatical Awesome!!

Ahhh, good ol’ @australiapost. There’s are no bike racks at the Strawberry Hills branch, and the postal pickup line is literally out the door. 😐

@australiapost And of course, I wouldn’t have even needed to come except somehow I “missed” the delivery despite working from home all day. 😐😐

@Xavier_Ho I worked from home all day. Never heard anyone knock on the gate. The result fun thing is that the Broadway office is much closer to my house, yet because it’s on the wrong side of the road, I have to schlep here.

@Xavier_Ho Hard when it’s relatives overseas sending gifts. 🙁

RT @casskhaw: 1) “Soon,” we whispered into the moon, which hung in the night a gash of white, like a cut-open throat or a smile, polite and…

@casskhaw @mmastertheone This is amazing. ❤️

@i386 omg, I cleaned out my office yesterday and got rid of a ton of shit and now it’s actually pleasant to work in!

They’re multiplying like Tribbles!

“GAHHHHH! HE’S IN THE SINK!” 😂 Sounds like the Snook found the spider again. (He’s named him Horace.)

Got him! 🕷

@FourRedShoes He’s “Horace the Horrible,” apparently.

@andykelk Ha! He’d never heard of that before. Too funny. 🙂

Just watched the first @cs50 lecture! It made me miss university. 😂 Thanks @hannahcancode for organising this @GGDSydney group course. #CS50

@JennaGuillaume BEST. EPISODE. (except for the godawful karaoke)

Lucky Foods for New Year’s Day – including the recipe for the excellent black-eyed peas, kale, and pork stew that I made!

@Yvonne_Adele @jontv @australiapost @auspost Whaaaaat. You just blew my mind. Ugh. Thanks. 🙂

@Malarkey Are you going to share the results afterwards? I’m very curious!

@Malarkey On the organiser page, “Do you reimburse speakers for the following items?” is a radio button that only allows one option.

@Malarkey And same for the next question after it.

@NefariousWheel We’ve had orb spiders in the garden before. Never seen one scampering around the kitchen though!

@__nolang @BR3NDA Ooh! There was a talk about using machine learning to quantify the beautify of places at @yow_conf this year. It was by @thoughtsymmetry. We don’t have the video up yet, but it should be there soon.

@__nolang @BR3NDA @yow_conf @thoughtsymmetry Her Twitter mentions that the associated paper is here:

@LukeSleeman I actually asked it “what does a Tribble sound like” after I saw your tweet last night, but it didn’t know. Come on, @googledevs. You missed a trick there!

RT @Malarkey: If you speak at, or you organise conferences, please complete this anonymous survey about fees for speaking:…

@Malarkey Honestly, this kept me from putting in my gender. I figured being a woman would make me stand out like a sore thumb. Of course, you can likely just extrapolate from the “no genders” then.

@LukeSleeman Oh the wonderful CLACKITY CLACKITY CLACK I could make on that keyboard!

RT @stemminist: Calling all #STEMMinists! This Sydney based bookclub is open to all. Our Jan pick is “Inferior” by Angela Saini. Follow to…

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a young woman in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a Jedi Master to train her.” ❤️

RT @msharp: @web_goddess ‘Reader, I dismembered him’

@msharp You, sir, are a goddamn genius.

@minxdragon WHAAAT. Did I know you were from Missouri? I went to a smart kids’ summer camp in Kirksville when I was 14. 😂

Another pair of shorts! My 4th go at @colettepatterns Iris in pink corduroy. Slight adjustment to pattern seems to work better… I’m 90% happy with these!