Shared today on Twitter

@stewartsmith Yep. You can set up shortcuts where it will broadcast whatever phrase you tell it to.

@stewartsmith Well, that’s with a Google Home or Mini. Not sure about on phones.

Hey @goldenagesydney – what time does the bar open? Website says 4; signage says 5; employee says 7. πŸ˜•

Kicking off tonight’s #wawsydney – a new meetup for me! And hey, I found @ADuckIsMyFiend!

First talk is @johannux talking about predictive web analytics – doing real time analysis on users as they arrive at a website. #wawsydney

RT @aliciapaterson: The I Love APIs world tour is making a stop in Sydney on February 27th! Come for this free, day long event to hear fro…

Segmentation and clustering are things human beings just naturally do by default. We see patterns. @johannux #wawsydney

Fascinating stuff. Using text analysis to break down the content on a site into themes and then work out the optimal number of themes to describe *all* the content. #wawsydney @johannux

Word clouds are a good way to name your audience clusters. What are the most distinct search terms they’re using? #wawsydney @johannux

I asked a question about surveying users directly for their interests. Led to an interesting discussion of how qualitative and quantitative data can be used to verify each other! #wawsydney @johannux

Second talk: Jakub from @datalicious talking about the Perfect Web Analyst. There’s huge demand right now but it’s hard to find the right people. #wawsydney

@annmariastat @aprilwensel For me, a huge point of identification was the rejection of other women and anything feminine. I’m ashamed at how I thought of other women back then. Needless to say, I didn’t have girlfriends like I do now.

@WAWSydney @rukouen Dammit. Starting at my phone. 😐

How to identify folks with the potential to be good web analysts. “You can start with someone who knows JavaScript and teach them analysis… but they don’t usually survive long.” πŸ˜‚ #wawsydney

The most useful and rare qualities for web analysts? Soft skills and years of experience. “For some reason you don’t see a lot of folks in analytics with 10 years of experience…” #wawsydney

@WAWSydney Will you do community announcements? I’ve got a couple!!

If you want a career in web analytics, this book is the bible, says Jakub. #wawsydney

@developerjack ❀️

RT @WAWSydney: For big organisations the best way to get a web analyst is to grow one these days. BI, BA, JavaScript dev and digital market…


RT @jiggy_pete: Organise a tech event & care about diversity & inclusion?

Help promote @gdcfpday

45 free CFP workshops worldwide!


So excited about this! I know a lot of folks who think #ylj18 is only for FP experts. This is our way of opening the door for you. πŸ˜‰

@CrshOverride You should! πŸ™‚

Topics at #lca2018 Art+Tech miniconf: using ML to create digital art, music, and literature; hacking knitting machines; 3D printing and IoT; custom cases for Raspberry Pi; hyperbolic crochet; and more! Oh, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. πŸ˜‰πŸš€

Interesting. The Snook has spotted piles of share bikes around Pyrmont on his way to work today. “Clusters of ofo on Harris in Pyrmont too. Might be the council crackdown starting.” @NickyWill100 @ChiefDisrupter

@msharp @NickyWill100 @ChiefDisrupter Well, technically his first comment was: “I found the nest. I say we dust off and nuke the entire site from orbit.” πŸ’₯