Resting for a moment among hundreds of art appreciators looking at Dutch masterpieces.
TFW Dame Quentin Bryce is sitting one table over at the cafe and you’re trying not to fangirl…
@lucykbain @sundress @i386 Dammit. There’s already a long waiting list. I should’ve booked the first night. 😭 Sorry…
RT @unixbigot: I’m exhibiting two #IoT projects for the #lca2018 Art❤️Tech miniconf (exhibition Monday, miniconf Tuesday). So I’m travelin…
@AshKyd @yow_conf Not yet. Working on it. 🙂 Will let you know if/when we do!
@AshKyd @yow_conf Yeah, the Eventbrite page shows anything that has ticketing open:
AMAZEBALLS. Thanks @mmastertheone for the tip!
Hey #lca2018 folks: if you’re double-booked and can’t make the Art + Tech miniconf on Tuesday, you can still see some of the projects during the ART EXHIBITION that will run at lunchtime on the balcony behind the Great Hall! 🖼❤️💻
Also, I’m really annoyed that I only just realised that 🖼❤️💻 is great branding for the miniconf and I should’ve been using it on all the tweets. 😆
@unixbigot From 12-12:25 depending how much time you need!
RT @maetl: 🖼❤️💻 #lca2018 I’ll be there, with some generative writing projects to play with as a preview for my talk on Tuesday. Come and sa…
I should have clarified – the exhibition is on MONDAY ie TOMORROW; the 🖼️❤️💻 miniconf is on Tuesday. #lca2018
Ironically, having #lca2018 5 minutes from my house results in way less socialisation. Last year in Hobart I had nothing to do but go out with folks!
@LapTop006 Theoretically two sets of lights, but I know I can make it in 5. 🙂
@hannahcancode I’ll be soldering too, it turns out! I haven’t done it since last year’s LCA so I’ll be learning again. 😂
@hannahcancode Did you see the email? Closed toe shoes.
RT @SydTechLeaders: Our 3rd speaker has been announced for Wednesday’s meeting – local thought leader @lightningdb! Come learn why he think…
Weekly Meetup Wrap – January 21, 2018 – Only one meetup last week followed by 3 days of smashing my brain against the brick wall of functional programming… 😭
@stibbons 👏💃
@mark_sabbatical Isn’t she wonderful? Aren’t they all wonderful? 😍
Excitement as #lca2018 is about to kick off! @developerjack is warning up the crowd.
I’m giving a nice plug for @simpmach on my @yow_conf shirt. 😂
RT @chrisjrn: ‘do we have any WordPress people in the house?’
*Audience giggles*
^— do not do this. Srsly. #lca2018
@betsybookworm YAY! I’ll bring mine tomorrow.
@sauramaia @betsybookworm Now I’m tempted to cast on a #lca2018 sock!
@developerjack Don’t forget to mention the 🖼️❤️💻 exhibition au lunch today!! #lca2018
@nickzoic I have faith. Surely they’ll run down what’s happening today?
@sauramaia @betsybookworm Last year I was working frantically on my pussy hat for the march. #memories
RT @kattekrab: The Pac-Man rule.
Leave space in the circle for someone to join your conversation #lca2018
LOL. When tweeting and SMSing doesn’t work, just yell. 😉 🖼️❤️💻 exhibition on lunchtime today! #lca2018
@slyall @voltagex Emailing nudity to the LCA organisers has been my highlight of 2018 so far. 😂
@KathyReid The miniconf is in the Guthrie Theatre, building 6. The art exhibiting is on the balcony behind the great hall.
@jaimekristene Save me a spot!!
Huge crowd in UTS’s fantastic electronics lab for the Open Hardware Miniconf! 🤖❤️ #lca2018