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Acknowledgement of country on #Hottest100 – nice! Is that new? This is the first time I’ve ever listened to the start. 👏❤️

@minxdragon @glasnt Literally pinning in a welt pocket as we speak! 🙏

RT @yow_conf: Today marks 50 days before our YOW! Data #yowdata & YOW! Lambda Jam #ylj18 call for presentations close on 18 March.

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@unixbigot I would unironically wear an I ❤️ FTP shirt, and I would definitely mean the protocol. 🤣

My new shorts will have front pockets AND welt back pockets! FOUR POCKETS! DRUNK WITH POCKET POWER!

RT @lockwooddewitt: How did the mansplainer get injured?

They said he fell down a manhole, but it was a well, actually.

@malynmawby Its Liberty from @LoveFabricStore!

Whoa! I got to meet @jadehameister when we both spoke at @TEDxMelbourne 2016. I thought she was inspiring then! 😲

@Ulrikama This pattern has really good instructions with lots of photos! Not difficult at all.

Linguine all’amalfitana from @buonricordosydney cookbook! Pasta, prawns, zucchini, mint, garlic, cheese, YUM. ☺️

@mmastertheone What a great idea!

@Ulrikama Hm. They’re not shaped at all, so probably not good for pants. @ColettePatterns are also good for beginners – check these out:

@Ulrikama That is GORGEOUS

Wearing my new shorts to the cinema!

Pattern: Prefontaine Shorts by @thatmoxiegirl
Fabric: Liberty cotton from @wearethefabricstore
Trim: old pink t-shirt