Shared today on Twitter

@mark_sabbatical Heh. No, it definitely wasn’t. πŸ™‚

Conclusion: I left the group and sent the organisers a message explaining why.

@frconil Seems like a lot of folks are getting poached, which is fine. As you say, a nice reflection on the state of the AU industry. I just think those leaving need to be careful how boastful they sound and the message it sends.

@randomknits @Gertie18 @SpotlightStores So pretty!

RT @devdevcharlie: Forgot to share I FINALLY got the mental commands from the @emotiv to work in JavaScript! πŸŽ‰πŸ˜ƒ Here’s a quick example of m…

One of my favourite talks from @yow_conf this year. You know the conventional wisdom not to break up a good team? That doesn’t always work. @heidihelfand explains how to reteam well.

@ReenaRajani @LizlingC @threequal Hey! I sent you each an email about Global CFP Diversity Day. Can you confirm if you got it? πŸ˜‰

RT @cuppy: Hey game journos digging for your #MeToo story, go nuts. Where are you now?

RT @heidihelfand: @web_goddess @yow_conf Thanks @web_goddess – loved the experience. @yow_conf is an incredible set of conferences!

@josephgentle Right, but I don’t think we fix it if all the ambitious folks leave. πŸ™

@josephgentle I’ll also point out that the email that prompted my original complaint said nothing about ambition. It said “if you’re good enough.” That’s… crappy.

So pink it should have @randomknits’s name on it. πŸ˜‚ Batch Chapeau (raspberry sour) – very nice!

@noopkat Exactly! Don’t they realise that most of the big SV companies have offices here anyway?!

@DrNemski Same. I could work there if I wanted, but I love it here. ☺️

Lots of excitement as the crowd gathers for tonight’s big #securitydebate!

Full house!! #securitydebate

I suppose an Anonymous mask is to be expected… #SecurityDebate

Mine is still melted. Would still recommend.

RT @keirasaid: Gearing up for the last day of the @queenslandfplab Intro to FP workshop. If you’ve ever wanted a brain-melting intro to FP,…

KICKING OFF! #SecurityDebate

RT @anthonypjshaw: @web_goddess +100. I live here. Wouldn’t change it for the world. I hate being in SV. Concrete jungle and the traffic is…

I feel my shirt is thematically appropriate for the #SecurityDebate… πŸžπŸ›

Awww. @kelsiemsecurity using sponsor slot to record a “Get Well Soon” message for friends who can’t be here. That’s lovely! #SecurityDebate

Always nice to see @HaysDigiTechAU at an event. Great supporter of @yow_conf and the Oz tech community. #SecurityDebate

Introducing the moderators and teams. Hey, there’s Cameron from @sonatype! #SecurityDebate

First question is about compromising blockchain. (Of course.) “How do you cash out without destroying the value?” Lots of folks taking notes. πŸ˜‚ πŸ’° #SecurityDebate

“Don’t cash out yourself… Get a juvenile to do it.” πŸ˜‚ #SecurityDebate

Second question is on event data injection exploits. I have no idea how panellists are answering these without making notes. πŸ˜‚ #SecurityDebate

Pretty sure this dude is just reciting a plot from Mr. Robot. πŸ€” #SecurityDebate

Fairly sure referring to a recording you put on LinkedIn is an automatic disqualification. πŸ˜‚ #SecurityDebate

Poor Blue team. It’s much more fun to barrack for the bad guys. #SecurityDebate

“If you were going to attack a bank, which one would you choose and how would you go about it?” Does she work for a bank?! πŸ˜‚ #SecurityDebate

“Social engineering with a shotgun.” Well. That’s one way to go about it! πŸ”«πŸ’° #SecurityDebate

“I’ve found Bank of Melbourne code on Github.” Ooooohhhhh, ripple through the crowd. #SecurityDebate

This one is *definitely* a Mr. Robot. He just referenced an anarchist syndicate! πŸ˜‚ #SecurityDebate

@Kat13v πŸ‘Œ

@jonoabroad I ❀️ Baby Driver. If either of these debate teams had mentioned finding the world’s best getaway driver, I would’ve awarded them the victory.

Sadly, real life is rarely as cool as Mr. Robot. Searching Google for code and public cloud keys is a major source of attacks. #SecurityDebate

RT @Mandy_Kerr: Why do people have a hard time acknowledging input, ideas & support from others? I often hear people present ideas as their…

“Cloud is an acronym for Can’t Locate Our Users’ Data.” Haven’t heard that one before! #SecurityDebate

@syc008 πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Wacky dream logic, clearly.

“Internet Freedom Fighter” was just used AS A VERB. #SecurityDebate

If you suspect your company is a target and you have a chatterbox on your team, sit them in meetings where you talk total fake nonsense. πŸ˜‚ #SecurityDebate

RT @womensart1: Iconic feminist graffitti (UK), 1979, photographed by Jill Posener, British photographer and activist #womensart https://t.…

Who else had ‘left pad’ on their BINGO card? #SecurityDebate

Discussion happening about bug bounties. I gotta say – my experience with these programs was that most of the “security researchers” were no better than your average script kiddie. #SecurityDebate

RT @LareneLg: So excited to have @jeninebeek share her important work on getting young women into STEM through @TGAsuperheroes. We all have…

Question 7: cyber anarchist group vs. the NSA. I gotta say, I prefer the really dramatic scenarios! #SecurityDebate

RT @wm: i love functional programming. it takes smart people who would otherwise be competing with me and turns them into unemployable craz…

“Full disclosure: so I was arrested by the Feds a few years back for ALLEGEDLY being the head of LulzSec…” Shit suddenly got REAL! #SecurityDebate

@pwcc Honestly, I’m scared to make eye contact. These guys onstage seem friendly enough but damn – the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. πŸ˜‚

“Facebook’s bug bounty program offered me $500 for an exploit… that I decided to keep.” *wince* #SecurityDebate

Victory for the red team! The hackers were always going to take it. πŸ˜‚ #SecurityDebate

I won another Google Home! But truthfully I’m more excited about the mask. My career as Internet Freedom Fighter begins… #SecurityDebate

RT @anthonypjshaw: @crankymate @web_goddess Yep. I could get a job there in a heartbeat as could all of the engineers I know. Internet-enab…

RT @crankymate: @anthonypjshaw @web_goddess I’d also argue it’s *easier* to be hired and make it in SF/SV. The real talented folks are righ…

RT @OphelieLechat: Melbourne folks, help? The course I’m teaching on Friday mornings had more enrolments than anticipated (#humblebrag, sor…

RT @mjiagood: Well, @yow_conf this is just awesome! Check it out, ladies! A speaker development program made just for you #womenintech #gir…

@hexsteph I know exactly what you mean. πŸ™

@polleyg @mjiagood @yow_conf I know. Terrible Google docs embed. You can go directly to form here:

@polleyg @mjiagood @yow_conf You have motivated me to get this changed. Stay tuned.

@austinturner01 Yes! I wonder if we could get @techsydneyau on that… πŸ˜‰

@neoghostz Yeah I had to look it up.

Some days all it takes is a pronoun to make me feel optimistic. πŸ™‚

@metaeaux Yay! But also 😭

February 3, 1999: The Hero and the Crown by @robinmckinley. Still a favourite. πŸ™‚ #BabysFirstAmazon

2nd order on March 21, 1999: Girlfriend and 100% Fun by @iammatthewsweet. Late 90’s had very good taste. πŸ™‚ #BabysFirstAmazon