Bag adornment: new rainbow lightsaber pin thanks to @jpofoz! Also finally attached my patches. β€οΈπ @canvalife
A highly entertaining @yow_conf talk borne of @jennifermarsman’s marital discord. (Not really.) π β€οΈ
@betsybookworm I want everything in her store.
My 2018 resolution was to deal with the avalanche of notifications from @Meetup. You have to adjust each group’s settings individually, and I’m in a *lot* of groups. That results in hundreds of useless emails.
Last year I set up a rule in Gmail to just delete them. But for 2018, I removed the rule. The first notification I get for each group, I go in to adjust my settings for it. This has been ongoing for the past month.
I just counted how many clicks it takes me to turn off all the useless “Member says ‘good to see you!’” notifications for each group. It’s 18.
Given how many groups I’m in for my job, that will ultimately result in more than 4000 clicks. Thanks, @Meetup. π
@JessicaCGlenn HA! I hadn’t even thought of automating it. I was just gritting my teeth and hate-clicking through every single one. π
We’ve got a good-sized group registered for tomorrow’s @gdcfpday in Sydney, but there’s still room for more!
@mootpointer Feels more like this, really.
RT @MelissaKaulfuss: OMG this job amirite!
@JessicaCGlenn @xkcdComic True, but theoretically this should be a one-off purge. Hopefully once I’m done, never again!
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
@richbuggy @JessicaCGlenn It’s a nice idea, but the API doesn’t support changing your notifications for a group. (I used it last year to build an auto-updating iCal feed.)
@twasink Well like I said, I already had a filter set up for all of last year. But that deletes *everything*, and I’d still like to get RSVPs when I actually, you know, sign up to go to an event. It’s just that 97% of the notifications are useless.
@soxyface @DevDiner WHAAAAAAT π β€οΈ
β€οΈ Thanks to @DDDPerth and @dashperth for their lovely words!!
@jonoabroad I was referring to the n’er-do-well who has put the wrong helmet with the bike.
American Chop Suey from @seriouseats. It was like 50% cheese. π “I’m going to get seconds, and then I’m going to hate myself,” quoth the Snook.
RT @gdcfpday: T – 3 hours till Global Diversity CFP Day 2018!
First workshops of the day are in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia!
Me: “Good morning!”
Taxify driver: “Is that an American accent I detect?”
Me: *audible loud groan”
This will not be a 5 star trip for either of us.
@NickyWill100 I’ve been here 16 years!!
SYDNEY @gdcfpday is ready to go!!
Getting tea, collecting stickers, and introducing ourselves! @gdcfpday
The Sydney folks watching video advice from @sarahmei and @rockbot! @gdcfpday
Keep an index card by your desk and note when there are things you need to research. Review periodically to see if there are ideas for future talks it blog posts there! @gdcfpday
RT @glasnt: Mentor intros at #gdcfpday of “most memorable speaking experience” include so many examples of speaking/AV gaffs, but poweringβ¦
@DDsD Yes.
Conference organisers are always excited to get talks that are different from the usual ones. And new folks just starting out are in a great position to do that. – Yes! Can concur. @gdcfpday
RT @developerjack: ‘You put YOUR spin on it. How did YOU solve this problem? What was YOUR approach? It doesn’t matter if someone else hasβ¦