Really cool talk from @yow_conf 2017: @thoughtsymmetry used machine learning to categorise places as beautiful. Interesting implications for public health and government policy!
Cyril Woodcock is my QUEEN! (But that movie was 😳.)
This cracked me up at @generalassembly yesterday. 😂
RT @minxdragon: Aww thankyou @KathyReid for this lovely writeup! <3
Weekly Meetup Wrap – February 4, 2018. #sypy, The Big #securitydebate, and @gdcfpday !
Some excellent advice here from @Mandy_Kerr. A lot of founders expect their employees to evince ridiculous loyalty. (I heard one recently complain his employees weren’t “bleeding [company name] blue.”) This is crap. If you’re an employee, your life is more important.
@willmendesneto @gdcfpday @ButenkoMe She’s rather hard to miss. 😂
Ask MeFi: Am I over the hill or just over it? – This sounds like a lot of discussions I’ve had with folks in the tech industry over the past year. Burnout, fatigue, and fear. 🙁
RT @FourRedShoes: This is also an unspoken down side of ‘following your bliss’ and ‘doing what you love’ – you never really leave work beca…
RT @yow_conf: Now that you have attended Global Diversity CFP day @gdcfpday, don’t forget to take your ideas and work on submissions for ou…