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@TheRealBnut Its more the expense. $200 every six weeks when dudes my age wear their grey with pride. This is the year I say screw it. 😉

Let me tell you about the customer at the knitting shop who called me “Krissy.” NOBODY CALLS ME KRISSY. 🤬

@rosepowell Yeah! I’ve put my membership on hold right edit to upcoming travel. But it’s very good for the price

RT @yow_conf: Last year, we offered #DiversityScholarships to #yow17 for the first time.
Now we are expanding them to #YOWData and #YLJ18.…

RT @alexbertanades: Last week one of my art teachers suggested I ‘dial down the feminism.’ Today I showed him my newest piece:…

@JennaGuillaume Were you carrying a jug of Lonely Girl Margarita Mix for One?

RT @anne_theriault: Take the lady doritos. Take all the doritos and make them feminine-coded. Take them like we took the names Ashley and S…

@misswired I think it’s because they have trouble coming up with names. @the_snook has used streets of Chippendale a few times in his brew titles. 🙂

Big crowd as the inaugural Sydney Big Data: Engineers and Scientists meet up kicks off! @preactaau @preactaau @CampaignMonitor

First talk is @SimonAubury talking about how @IAGAust builds data pipelines with Kafka Streaming. (HONK IF YOU ❤️ DATA PIPELINES!) 😂 @preactaau

Real world data pipeline example from @SimonAubury. Hey, I spy the KSQL rocket there! (I heard @matt_howlett talk about that last month. Very exciting new project from @confluentinc!) @preactaau @IAGAust

For most companies, the data is less important than what it SIGNIFIES. That’s why KSQL is so cool – you can detect events in real time and do stuff with it! 🚀 @SimonAubury @IAGAust @preactaau

Second speaker is Raúl Beristáin from @VocusComm offering a counterpoint to the last talk – SQL on Hadoop using Impala. @preactaau

“You may have heard the phrase ‘data lake.’ We were just talking about that. Everybody hates that.” 😂 @VocusComm @preactaau

Different business needs result in different data solutions. Sometimes your data doesn’t need to change (event logs, etc) so you don’t need support for transactions. @VocusComm @preactaau

@duyenho Rooftop pool at the Old Clare? 👌

@cprieto You should submit it as a talk for @YOWLambdaJam and come visit us Down Under. 😉

RT @martinkrafft: Yeah, uh, we call that pollution, @elonmusk. You should be ashamed, not ventrilating. #FalconHeavy

Final talk is by noted Scala fanboy and @CampaignMonitor’s own Binzi Cao talking about building a rules engine with Spark SQL. @preactaau

@_SamCross My legs are still sore. 😐

Spark SQL makes normalising timestamps from disparate data sources very easy. Okay, that’s cool. @CampaignMonitor @preactaau

@rmoff @SimonAubury He’s sitting beside me. I’ll ask him in the next break. 🙂

@Asher_Wolf I just met a young woman at a meeting who did speaker training that my company @yow_conf organised last year. She had to give a big preso afterwards at work and NAILED IT. She got a promotion. Her name is Hanieh and I’m so proud we could help her. ❤️

@rmoff @SimonAubury Unfortunately no slides as they have to be vetted by corporate overlords. 😕

@MsGenGeorge @JessicaCGlenn @Telstra Well done!!

@aurynn @NatDudley Those are all good points I don’t disagree with. Just adding through that I regularly invite people to submit to our events, but that’s just because if I don’t, afterwards I hear “I didn’t know the CFP was open!”

@aurynn @NatDudley So I email loads of folks I think might be interested to let them know – not because of any token minority status or anything like that. I just don’t want anybody to miss out!

@aurynn @NatDudley I know a few different folks who are working on solutions for that. Hopefully one of them sticks.

@i386 Only topped in annoyance by the Kiwi who called me, I shit you not, “KRUSS.”