Shared today on Twitter

RT @ValaAfshar: Advice I needed when I was young:

1 read more
2 write more
3 networking is about giving
4 practice public speaking
5 learnโ€ฆ

“Hey, do you work at Zendesk?! I love them!” Good marketing, @JeffreyTheobald. ๐Ÿ˜‰โค๏ธ @Zendesk

@parisba ESTJ. (๐Ÿ˜œ to @The_McJones)

@The_McJones @parisba That’s the approach I should’ve taken during the whole “ZOMG A TESLA IN SPACE” nonsense the other day. Will remember that next time. ๐Ÿ™‚

@The_McJones @parisba Publicity stunts = good. Littering as advertisement = bad.

@The_McJones And it wouldn’t be as depressing as being told your personality marks you at out as one of “nature’s administrators.” ๐Ÿ˜

@The_McJones A lot of unpaid emotional labour, in my experience.

@evanderkoogh @_zouhir runs the PWA group here – maybe knows some sources?

@hitsthings @i386 Yes, but also THE WORST. I think it’s polite to try to pronounce people’s names the way they do.

RT @aussielunix: Live in Sydney/Melbourne ? Do this free course ! The jobs have started to appear on LinkedIn in the last 2 months. Get inโ€ฆ

@NatDudley I bought one today with sugar gliders all over it. In related news, we’re both awesome.

RT @lynnlangit: 8th grader, Moti, live coding an @Android app in @Java for parent night

@thisismywww Would be nice if there were any source other than SpaceX themselves. But if true, I will retract part of my objection. I still think it’s space litter and a crummy commercial.

FFS. Another woman I know just got propositioned through a tech group on @Meetup. GUYS – IT’S NOT A DATING SITE.

@charis The organisers for @DDDPerth gave each speaker their own clicker! It was very thoughtful and appreciated. ๐Ÿ™‚

@charis There was a sponsor at @voxxedsingapore last year who gave out fidget spinners. Very popular, but probably annoying as everyone kept playing with them all day. ๐Ÿ˜‚

RT @jevakallio: At a bank trying to prove my address:
CLERK: “We have a discrepancy here… Your name here is Jani Evรคkallio but this proofโ€ฆ

RT @AlexRoy144: REMINDER: @NASA sent a car into space in 1969.

Then it landed. On the moon.

Then it drove around. On the moon.


@twasink @thisismywww Yes, a gazillion people have pointed that out to me. I still think it was tacky, self-aggrandising, and overly commercial. YMMV.

@corduroy @tjbyte @Meetup @3Easy @johnallsopp If it were me, I’d be all for it. Was reluctant in this case as it was a colleague and I don’t want to expose her to potential abuse.

@JamesTechRec @Meetup I dunno. I suspect these guys know exactly what they’re doing.

RT @mootpointer: @web_goddess @Meetup Seriously. It puts my rage at recruiters using it as a job board in perspective.

Let me me clear: PRโ€ฆ

@cathjones0 @Meetup LOL. Talk about setting yourself a challenge, mate. ๐Ÿ˜‚ What an idiot.

Another day, another “What’s it like at @canva?” request from a prospective job switcher. I get like one a fortnight. Eventually I’m gonna call in a referral bonus, @cliffobrecht @crankymate @themaninblue! ๐Ÿ˜œ

@rjchatfield @Atlassian BREAK A LEG!!

RT @yow_conf: Melbourne, you KNOW our year-end conf sells out, so please! Get your tickets early.

#yow18 Registration is already open: htโ€ฆ



@glasnt Is that the one with the abominable snowman??

@saberkite I’m too competitive. ๐Ÿ˜‚

@saberkite I tried to get @i386 to join me on a team for a HP trivia event here but I didn’t register us in time. The world will never know how awesome the Holyhead Harpies would’ve been!

This is a fantastic event. Have you been thinking about mentoring? You should sign up. You don’t need to be an expert to teach someone who’s never coded. I โค๏ธ @NodeGirlsSydney.

@frankarr That’s gorgeous! Congrats!

@annie_parker @sallyannw I’ll admit to irrational curiosity too. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Spending my Friday night DMing with a tipsy @MichelePlayfair as we plot ways to support some of our younger sisters in tech… ๐Ÿ˜

@MichelePlayfair What, you that gif saved? You found it awfully fast! ๐Ÿ˜‚

@gilmae Same debate here. I’ve got it on w-g and RDF, but now I’m toying with whether to bother on ๐Ÿ˜

@gilmae He never reads Twitter anymore. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Somewhere @jedws is overcome by a mysterious happy feeling…

@jonoabroad @jedws I know, right?! I’m an FP monster now.

@LJKenward @MichelePlayfair Were your ears burning? ๐Ÿ˜‰

RT @JanelleCShane: I trained a neural network to generate new candy heart messages – some more successful than others.โ€ฆ

BRB, have to embroider STANK LOVE on a pillow for @the_snook. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚


Kicking things off! @QuantiumAU’s own @ButenkoMe welcoming everybody. @WWCSyd

Ground rule: if you raise your hand to ask a question, the mentor will first ask you if you googled it. Teaching everyone what it’s like to be a real developer! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Incredibly honoured to be listed with such amazing folks! โค๏ธ Thank you…