@mmastertheone FANTASTIC!
RT @mmastertheone: @web_goddess <3 https://t.co/XNZCq5XVsn
The joke may have backfired. Dad is now brainstorming ways to get the Snook a Green Card. 🙁
@i386 YES. You’ll have to help me hire a suitable pool boy. 😉
@i386 Also, pretty sure I have at least one school photo where I do, in fact, have that haircut.
@mundizzle 😂😂😂
@richbuggy Sadly, there are no Silicon Valley companies in Sturgis Michigan.
@minxdragon Maybe we go in together and turn it into an Artists’ Commune / Studio 54-esque nightclub? 😂
UGH. Dammit, men. https://t.co/EQ6HaewSNR
@Amys_Kapers @Mandy_Kerr There would be after I bought it!
Spotted Phlegm Man when I arrived at the library and managed to avoid. https://t.co/MBscF43hLx
RT @yow_conf: Functional programmers, we don’t want to panic, but there are only 9 #ylj18 super earlybird 2-day conference tickets left.…
@RyanBErickson @Malarkey @unlikelylibrary Surprisingly well! And it’s definitely taken off, which pleases me. Halloween curmudgeons are THE WORST. It’s a fun holiday, people!
New meetup for me tonight: Sydney Users of R Forum (aka SURF)! Good crowd despite it being ❤️ Day… #surf https://t.co/HHCmyIY9rY
Learning about network analysis in R from @FPHeld of @DataScienceSyd. His talk is already online if you’re curious! https://t.co/RbrsdQDD35 #surf18 https://t.co/0jew5a2sLn
Researchers have shown that your social network has an effect on probability for obesity, some diseases. Causes for these patterns can be induction, homophily (ie self-deprecating), confounding (share an environment). Gets very complicated fast! @FPHeld #surf18 https://t.co/N9rtj9MBB6
“Programs must be written for people to read and only incidentally for machines to execute.” – Hal Abelson. I like this. #surf18 @FPHeld https://t.co/IQRRPpmuOh
This is fascinating. The example data @FPHeld is using of folks in a karate club was a real thing with its own Wikipedia page! #surf18 https://t.co/NTGhMUG29A https://t.co/Pkodcq4jAW
When the group fractured and split in real life, the researcher was able to predict which side all but 1 member picked based on network analysis! #surf18 @FPHeld https://t.co/mIomtNDYY5
@mmastertheone This one’s been going for a while! @cargomoose runs it along with several other folks. This is my first visit, but I’m impressed so far.
@frconil Stocking up on dried mango?
Oh good grief. That was supposed to be self-SELECTING, not deprecating. 😂 (Sorry @FPHeld.)
@zoeydoesnttweet @FPHeld I was cherry-picking bits from the talk, so you may get more context from his write-up. It includes a video about this network analysis IIRC. https://t.co/RbrsdQm1Ev
RT @ABC: This kid shattering the top of a frozen trampoline with one perfect jump may be the most satisfying thing you’ll see all day. http…
Indulge the #humblebrag – the Snook not only got me my fave flowers, “the green bits are from our garden.” HE ARRANGED THEM HIMSELF. 😍 https://t.co/oWtQJYzpUA https://t.co/5lzVYNQO1y
@MichelePlayfair @unixbigot As a giant, I am usually Fezzik. (“EVERYBODY MOOOOOVE!”)
I should add it wasn’t a surprise; I messaged him earlier in the day to admit I was considering buying myself flowers. He then said he’d take care of it. 🙂
RT @CookeBrad: It will be hard to top this as @IndigenousX sporting moment of the year. First Indigenous Winter Olympian. #harleywindsor #h…
Watching the Queer Eye reboot. 5 min into Ep 1 and I want to cry already. 😭 I blame you for this @taradefrancisco!!
@stringy I didn’t even mention the dinner he cooked me!
@stringy Only in World of Warcraft, sadly.
Flame on! “Best way to remove the mold,” he says. ❤️ https://t.co/7x2SmqbOAf https://t.co/44fwOajWoy
@diversionary You’re being seduced by it though, right?
@mooretoddy Right?!
@mooretoddy Love a good foyer!!
@Amys_Kapers We don’t use it enough, really. 🔥
@FPHeld Damn autocorrect. 😂