Shared today on Twitter

@yow_conf My guest room has availability but rates are climbing fast. 😜

TFW you go to a meeting and realise it’s with an ex-colleague from 17 years ago! (Hey @codepo8 – @mattsharpe says hi!)

IT FOLLOWS MY MOUSE. 😡 Amazeballs… @soxyface

RT @beneltham: Penny Wong just marched into Employment estimates and extracted an apology from Michaelia Cash. Got it, then left. Stone col…

RT @yow_conf: Contain yourself – literally. You can’t avoid Docker, K8s for long

@joannaferrari48 How lovely to see you pop up on my stream! I hope 2018 is off to a good start for you. Let’s catch up sometime. πŸ™‚ (PS I love that dress!)

Photoshop wizards: can any of you turn me into the Deal With It meme? Bonus points for animation. It’s a present for @hannahyanfield. πŸ˜‚

@LJKenward @Asher_Wolf Gahhh, that’s so awesome! Sorry I won’t be there. πŸ™

RT @yow_conf: We’re still looking for volunteers to help us out at our upcoming #yownight with @TacticalGrace. 1 for Sydney Mar 6, 2 for Pe…

@joannaferrari48 I am travelling for the next couple weeks, but I will email you when I get back! πŸ‘

@msharp @sydjs LOL. Did @canva have to put a gate in front of the climbing wall, @crankymate?!

@the_patima Oh, fun people! Hello @JakeGinnivan and @LucindaBurtt and other person whose name escapes me at the moment. Sadly, I am packing to go to Perth tomorrow.

Sent my Mom a link to my Ignite talk today.

Me: Warning: I do say “shit” a couple times.
Mom: What, like that’s supposed to surprise me?


@randomknits Look at that sleepy dawg!!

@unixbigot @girlgerms My house is riddled with them. Give in. I’m actually debating taking one with me tomorrow when I travel. They already hear everything I say at home; why not on the road too? πŸ™ƒπŸ”«

@AbstractCode @girlgerms @unixbigot I wrote a blog post about everything we use ours for!

@MVEG001 @sauramaia @glasnt @KathyReid I don’t do much in the way of crochet. My friend @RoseRed_Shoes would be the type of person who knows this!

@girlgerms @AbstractCode @unixbigot My husband has been working on a new one. I can now say “Hey Google – it’s getting hot in here!” and the AC (which is not WiFi enabled!) turns on!

@girlgerms @AbstractCode @unixbigot Involving a Raspberry Pi, infrared blaster, and IFTTT!

@unixbigot @girlgerms @AbstractCode Well, in my case the market did solve it, but it involves replacing our AC with one a lot more expensive!

RT @GuardianAus: Bill Gates: cryptocurrencies have ’caused deaths in a fairly direct way’

Heading off on another adventure. See you soon, Perth!