Shared today on Twitter

“I’m talking business, which is why I wore the three piece suit.” ๐Ÿ˜‚ @eleybourn #yownight

“Given that I’m writing a book on #noprojects, you can probably guess where I stand on the PMO.” ๐Ÿ”ฅ @eleybourn #yownight

Now I’m sad there isn’t actually a “FUN AGILITY” conference. @evanderkoogh @eleybourn – we need to work on that. ๐Ÿ˜‚ #yownight

RT @Amys_Kapers: You shouldn’t run your business to make money. Run it to serve value to your customers.
Money is proof that you’re doingโ€ฆ

Our tech teams have the ability to deliver value very quickly. So where’s the bottleneck now? Usually PMO, HR, Finance, and Legal. @eleybourn #yownight

“Who’s heard of Teal organisations? The Spotify model?” *cue me groaning in my head like Tina Belcher* #yownight

RT @FakeSamRitchie: โ€œApprovals are only good where the cost of delay is less than the riskโ€ – @eleybourn #yownight

“Ever heard the term ‘Safe to Fail’? RUBBISH.” ๐Ÿ˜‚ The best part of @eleybourn’s talk is hearing @evanderkoogh’s squeaks from the peanut gallery! #yownight

@AstroHyde @yow_conf The public can’t see that link! It’s private to you and the program committee until they decide on which talks are selected.

Day 2 of a two-week work trip, and I have woken up with a cold. FML.