Shared today on Twitter

@chartortorella Tempted.

What happens when @frconil asks his @github buddies to hook you up. ❤️🐙🐱 #stickergoodness #octocat

@gilmae @frconil @github I scored a couple giant ones too. One’s got your name on it. 🙂

@damncabbage @maetl MAKE IT END.

I don’t get how you have a dockless scheme for something that requires electric charging? 🤔

RT @jmickey_: Day 3 of @mamund’s #API workshop at @Bankwest. Mike has been a wealth of knowledge so far, and his workshop has been incredib…

RT @petersagal: I am extremely sad to tell you all that my dear friend and colleague for 16 years, Carl Kasell has passed away at the age o…

YASSS. @minxdragon starting the day, and I’m finishing it!

@minxdragon Imma have to add some inspirational stuff to make it worthy of the locknote. 😂

RT @Data61news: Check this out – @yow_conf is holding a Citizen Data Science event tonight in Melbourne and tomorrow in Sydney: https://t.c…

@minxdragon Now we get to fight over who talks about AI-generated knitting patterns…

Never seen the @sydjs logo look like that before! 😂 Cheers to @MicrosoftAU for tonight’s SydJS.S showcase! #sydjs

Hearing from @jakkaj about his history in the local tech community. (“Silverlight? Any of you heard of that?”) 😂 #sydjs @sydjs

Loving the title of @GeekTrainer and @billba’s talk! 🤖❤️ #sydjs @sydjs

Still tickets for this tomorrow in Sydney!

If you’re building a bot, don’t worry about passing the Turing test. You’ll just fall into the uncanny valley and get creepy or frustrating. “And the world is already full of so many disappointments…” #sydjs @sydjs @billba @GeekTrainer

The reasons phones suck at voice control compared to Alexa and Google Home is because phones don’t have enough microphones to give necessary clarity of speech. #sydjs @sydjs

RT @hnalalioness: Training students how to use data. What to keep? What to discover? How to share info meaningfully? #yownight…

First tech talk I’ve ever seen that namechecked @scottmccloud’s “Understanding Comics”! @billba #sydjs @sydjs

This is a very Yank-heavy #sydjs (and I have no problem with that!). Next is @holtbt talking about GraphQL and serverless. @sydjs

TIL that “galactose” is a thing. @holtbt #sydjs @sydjs

@DeveloperSteve @SydneyAirport Are you just now going home?!

The second of a record THREE @yow_conf #yownights happening on the same night!

Whoa. The first time I’ve ever seen the @LookaheadSearch logo at a meet up and NONE OF THEM ARE HERE! 😱

@carlfish @holtbt @sydjs Right?!

@DDDPerth @mamund @wilsonwaters Thank you so much for helping out! We really appreciate it. 🤗

@glenngillen I support Melbourne. It’s linked in the Github description. 🙂

@glenngillen Just making sure it isn’t broken too. My sysadmin wasn’t monitoring properly. 😂

RT @marlousteh: @neal4d #yownight trivia: Did you know YOW! was previously “JAOO” confusing a lot of Aussies on how to pronounce this, as i…

RT @lindamciver: ok Sydney, we’ve got a “nerdiest crowd” competition going. So far Brisbane is a nose ahead. Can you beat them??? Come to m…

@mmastertheone There will be good!

@mmastertheone Where good = food. 😂

@OphelieLechat I went to check their prices. That’s about right for well made pieces! Good stuff. 🙂

@sallyannw We’re running an event tonight that seems like your type of thing! Would love if you could share to any educators who’d be interested.