Shared today on Twitter

@the_patima I voted for URL since I do that more often. I do occasionally use the sharing buttons though, mostly if I want to tweet and I want to pull in the title and I’m being too lazy to copy/paste.

RT @yow_conf: Come to our #yownight with @DataSciAu’s Executive Directive @lindamciver tonight!
She’ll be sharing how we can get students (…

@kmbannerman @caseywest GENIUS!

@Cuff_S Tell her she’s my running hero now!

@stevelikesyou @LookaheadSearch S’okay. @twalve and I said nice things about you all anyway.

@mobywhale @stevelikesyou @LookaheadSearch @twalve I may have stolen a duckie on Friday. 😉

RT @jesstelford: I’ve got a secret: I _still_ have to lookup the syntax for media queries 🙈

My Google Home mostly gets things right, but my accent still gives it trouble. “Is there a Wotso in St. Leonard’s?” ended up in a history lesson about a particular saint. 😂

And it took two tries to explain who Ozma was. (The first resulted in treatise on respiratory mucus.) 🤧

@hj_chen @Mandy_Kerr Once again, I find myself in your Venn diagram ladies.

@gilmae *runs off to endorse @gilmae for C# on LinkedIn*

@emd3737 @CSatzke As a conference organiser, we do not love this. As a conference attendee, RIGHT ON MAN.

RT @levelsconf: Only five days left to get in Talk Submissions aka #CallForPapers for !

☕️ Maybe some coffee or te…

RT @yow_conf: Definitely a theme @lindamciver raises in her #yownight talk.
Tonight’s your last chance to catch her in Sydney (unless you’…

@KenScambler @jedws Didn’t you hear? Jed is the new Kris for Melbourne YOW Nights. 😛

@KenScambler @jedws Perhaps not quite as often. However, I’ll be there in two weeks for @VoxxedMelbourne!!

RT @Amys_Kapers: Even if you’re writing code on a page, make sure you get the syntax highlighting right!
@mamund APIs – From Good to Gr…

@Accelerando_au @unixbigot Are these the ones you had done as a rush job? Where’d you end up getting them?

Excited to host @lindamciver’s final #yownight in the lovely @thoughtworks office!

We are generating a LOT of data. “Who here knows how much an exabyte is?” No hands. “Okay, you’re the least geeky audience, but possibly the most honest.” 😂 #yownight

I love how @lindamciver says things like, “My favourite neuroscientist says…” I don’t even know any neuroscientists, much less have a favourite! 😂 #yownight

Thank you to @Andrea__Leong and @etymon from @SciencePartyNSW for joining us tonight! It was great to hear about their policies towards improving STEM education. #yownight

“This language is Turing complete, if you know what that means and care about it. It teaches programming… but it doesn’t teach RELEVANCE.” @lindamciver dropping truth bombs tonight! #yownight 💣

@drpuffa @lindamciver It’s being recorded! 😁

Studying voting data can illuminate some very interesting questions. Which party’s voters are more likely to follow the How to Vote cards? “It will not surprise you to learn that Greens voters are the most rebellious.” #yownight

@philiplaureano @lindamciver It was! It’ll be up on our YouTube channel hopefully next week. 👍

Shit’s getting real. #yownight @lindamciver

“We have a tech industry going through an ethical crisis because it’s going through a diversity crisis. We need people willing to say, UH, COULD WE NOT BE EVIL?” 👏🙌 #yownight

@SteveGodbold Good question. We’ll have to ask @lindamciver!

@Andrea__Leong @etymon @SciencePartyNSW @afinno 😂 Sorry about that! We were overindexed on Andr(ae|ea)s.

RT @melindafentonsm: Great new non-profit. Thanks #yownight for introducing us to Linda McIver

@erikablair1997 @yow_conf Thank YOU for helping us! Glad you enjoyed it. 😁

“NBN construction commenced.” The Snook has been tracking every step of this. Finally it’s Chippendale’s turn!

Aussie women in tech! You should add yourself to this great list. (Thanks @devdevcharlie for leading the way!)

@zarahjutz You are giving me flashbacks to my first job as the best damn checkout chick at the IGA in Wolcottville, Indiana.

@twelveeyes @Andrea__Leong It’s a very small world. Given ten more minutes last night, I’m sure I would’ve mentioned knitting and we would’ve made the connection. 😂

@WORK180_ANZ @LareneLg @sarah_j_smith @deniseshrivell @NatalieRens @drpuffa @charlottejee @ChiefDisrupter @JanOwenAM @Ganjm001 @thatpatrickguy @Anne__Lawrence @catrionawallace @ChadRenando @QChiefEntrepren @LawyerCas Today I came across this crowd-sourced tech-specific list: Worth adding yourself or sharing with other Aussie women in the industry!