Shared today on Twitter

@Malarkey I know what you meant, but my brain keeps parsing the “designer” part as an adjective, like stylish luxury goods. 😂

@mamund @Bankwest @yow_conf QUOKKAS! Oh, please share! (When I was there in March, it was a holiday weekend and the ferry booked out so I was denied a quokka selfie, which burns my soul to this day.)

RT @johnallsopp: We love new speakers at our events. If you’re a front end dev, CFP for Code in Melbourne in August are pen for one more we…

@philnash Knitting and sewing! More complex projects exercise the same part of my brain as coding, but easier ones are more meditative and allow for relaxation.

Was going to proudly show off the new @telstradev shirt I got from @DeveloperSteve, but somebody wanted a cuddle. Now it’s covered in white fur. 😹

Any other @FullContact users having issues today? Seems very slow, but Status page isn’t showing any issues…

Save the date, Sydney women devs! June 29-30 – fourth annual SheHacks all-women hackathon. Free, volunteer-organised event for the WiT community. If you want to sponsor, mentor, or volunteer, please contact @GGDSydney. #shehacks

@GGDSydney I should also add – not just devs! Designers and product folks also very much welcome…

The number of times I’ve tried to type Slack emoji in other apps is ridiculous. SO THIS IS SUPER AWESOME! 🚀💯

@sarahcalverley @satyanadella @MicrosoftWomen @MicrosoftAU I’m saving it for my next airplane flight! 🙂


@desplesda I’ve seen that here in Sydney with some of the Chinese cooking wines, actually. I guess it’s to keep winos from guzzling them. ☹️

Correction: It’s actually the FIFTH SheHacks that @GGDSydney has run! (Good grief, the time does fly…) 👵 #shehacks #shehacks2018

@msharp I was gonna suggest Young Henry’s as well. I like their beer. It’s not really much of a bar though – it’s an outdoor tasting room of sorts IIRC.

@msharp How about The Gretz from the lovely folks at Hartsyard? Looks like a more comfortable place: Been meaning to check it out myself!

@mamund @yow_conf @Bankwest SO CUTE! ❤️

@maetl @darthted Whoa! Somehow I missed this. I’m sorry to see you go, but sounds like an amazing opportunity for her. Good on you for supporting her! I hope the move goes smoothly. 🙂

Sent off a support request to my lovely friends at @canva. Now is the fun of waiting to see who gets it! (🤞for @saberkite!!)

@msharp This is awful.

@saberkite @canva Oh boo. I hope it’s not a new person. They’ll be confused by the “HEY CANVA IT’S KAYRISSSSSS!!!” bit at the beginning. 😂

@unixbigot @telstradev @DeveloperSteve Grace Hopper is still the best kitty name ever, it is known. 😺

RT @imbriyonce: If you thought I was about to sit here, learn choreo & dance like I’m one of Beyoncé’s backup dancer… YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY R…

@Asher_Wolf A wonderful friend and champion suggested me to some overseas conference organisers, who invited me to come speak later this year! ❤️

@saberkite @canva Gahhh, it’s Edison, and he is treating me like just a normal customer. I mean, that’s good and all, but I’M KAYRISS DAMMIT. 😂

RT @tinycarebot: ❤: ask your friends for help if you need it please

@saberkite @canva I gotta track down who has access to her old email account. Not sure what credit card she used either. 😭

RT @starbuxman: start.Spring.IPO


@TheMartianLife @parisba @desplesda @The_McJones That’s awesome, well done!!

@yow_conf @chaitanyakuber @daveathomas Actually we’re working on a venue in Sydney, so you may well be able to see it live. 🙂

@yow_conf it me.

@chaitanyakuber @yow_conf @daveathomas DMing you!