@DuchessFounder Hi Linda! Sure… but what’s an exposition? 🤔
RT @al_davies: I feel like the #GDPR has aged me by about ten years… https://t.co/Y5h4ySM4vw
About to rewatch the Snook’s favourite movie. 🤠
Me: “You might have to put up with me live-tweeting it!”
Him: “You’re a daisy if you do!” https://t.co/EfWwe7IelX
@The_McJones As a moustache aficionado, this is basically my porn.
I may have jumped the gun. We play actual discs so rarely, we didn’t realise we had a damn region mismatch. VLC hopefully to the rescue?
We’re in business! https://t.co/VZrwZPXc1y
Whoa! Both of Starlord’s dads are in this! https://t.co/yh0vcy9vYA
The first time that upper lip appeared, I heard him mutter: “Now THAT’s a moustache.” https://t.co/rdVGnKasAt
He giggles like a little boy at every single Doc Holliday line. 😂 https://t.co/XGvuIP8NI6
“Is that… Billy Bob Thornton?” IT IS! https://t.co/CVnVAYYH7c https://t.co/PnYF84Tm62
@tobyeggleston Not yet!
I forgot Billy Zane was in this! And hey, Deadwood had an ACTOR storyline too. Was that a Thing in the old West? Must’ve been. https://t.co/FYBaU7y3qt
“Is laudanum like codeine nowadays? I’d totes be a laudanum addict in the old West.”
Ugh. She’s so anachronistic. I’m supposed to like her but I can’t stand her. https://t.co/lFIXMqp6fK
“It happens to be a nocturne. You know – Frederic fucking Chopin?” (Apparently they only got that one F-bomb with the PG rating.) https://t.co/JC1yLEWnZl
@erinrileyau You’re so right!
Hey! It’s Locke! https://t.co/o7vJy4R7pc
This fearsome lawman who holds guns to bad guys’ heads has only killed one person ever? I don’t buy it. https://t.co/L3ZTKdSt0R
@emd3737 He’s basically doing Val Kilmer karaoke at this point.
Shhhh. I took advantage of the Snook’s bathroom break to google how old Sam Elliott is and whether he’s happily married. 😉
It’s on! https://t.co/W47a16yu57
“You’re a daisy if you do!” There it is. https://t.co/p1Kxi0me4E
Me: “WAIT. Is Val Kilmer old now?! Kurt Russell got old. DID VAL GET OLD??”
Michael Biehn has always been super sexy. “Say when.” It appears I will be sewing someone a red waistcoat. https://t.co/bmFUoq6KsJ
@Lin_Manuel Australia is!!!
Kurt Russell is such an amazing actor. https://t.co/CC5tDqMOTm
RT @siilkytofu: janelle monae booping thessa thompson on the nose rt if you agree https://t.co/k8MICkYzfM
@unixbigot 😳
Noooo. NOOOOOOO! 🔫😡 https://t.co/hTgggbZpiL
Why, Johnny Ringo! You look like somebody… just walked over your grave. https://t.co/fynaJNHpuY
Wait, Ike gets to live?! Jesus, Grandpa, what did you read me this for??
Movie’s over and he’s still talking like Val Kilmer. He just called me the Antichrist! 😂 https://t.co/XjyeZBDdcT
@unixbigot Oh god I looked. And he’s not even 60! 😢