Shared today on Twitter

How legitimate is digital art? Is it still Art when your brush is an algorithm controlled by a generative adversarial network? Mind-provoking stuff from @minxdragon. @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne

@kytrinyx Noooooo. 😂

@paulangov @dius_au @voxxed Yes – seen a lot of folks rocking DiUS shirts!

Whoa. A *new* tag team talk from @springrod and @starbuxman?! You’re a lucky audience, @VoxxedMelbourne! #voxxeddaysmelbourne

Heh. @starbuxman confesses that the delay in writing Cloud Native Java was mainly in arguing over which animal went on the cover. 😂 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

There it is.

Dot Spring
Dot IO

@starbuxman @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

ChatOps is happening! @springrod is demoing how to use @atomist, @github, and @SlackHQ to make deploying to Cloud Foundry easy. @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

@minxdragon Each time I see the spaghetti picture, I’m surprised you don’t make a creepypasta reference! *shudder*

Even sick with a cold, @starbuxman is one of the best in the biz. I wouldn’t be speaking here today without his encouragement. Such a good kid, and a favourite of everyone at @yow_conf! @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

@gilmae @starbuxman Ha! He knows it’s not patronising. Because he *is* a good kid.

We are two minutes in, and already I ❤️ everything about @holdenkarau’s talk. @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

Realisation: @holdenkarau’s slides have little photos up in the corner. Are they all cats?! 😻 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

Try and make sure you’re not just laundering your own biases with ML, because then the computer will just be doing evil for you. @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

“Is there anyone from Google here? You have to tell me. It’s like that cop thing.” 😂 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

@minxdragon @holdenkarau I wondered how many got the reference. Did they have Pintos in Oz??

Has the output of your Spark job ever caused a “serious” production outage? “These people suck at their jobs. These ones are updating their resumes. And these ones are lucky or lying.” You need to TEST! @holdenkarau @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

LOL. I’m the one who warned @willmendesneto against live coding demos. It’s so risky! So far so good though, my friend… 🍀 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

Pretty sure I spotted a @yow_conf sticker on @willmendesneto’s laptop, even from the back of the room! 😉💯 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

90 minutes before my talk. When’s the best time to have a coffee so it hits at the right time?

TFW @valtheCPO says, “Kris! Did you see we have a DONUT ROOM?” 😳🏃‍♀️ @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

@Paul_Bone Nah, prob won’t be time for questions. Everyone will be heading out for drinks!

HA! @philnash literally leaped in the air in happiness that, as of this week, his slide has green ticks across the board! ✅ @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

Me and the inaugural meeting of the Melbs Bot Appreciation Society. 🤖❤️ @minxdragon @Becknology @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne

@mootpointer @valtheCPO @VoxxedMelbourne That’s pretty much what my heart is doing from the sugar.

I’ve been seriously impressed with the live coding demos today. @philnash from @twilio making it look easy! @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne

@philnash @twilio @VoxxedMelbourne ….and I cursed him. 😂

A public service announcement (and plea!) from @philnash: PLEASE don’t demand notification permissions on page load. You’ll just turn notifications into the new pop-ups! @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne

Jealous that @philnash appears to have mastered the art of matching his wardrobe to his slide deck theme. @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne

YAY – my turn!! @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne

RT @YRodenski: @web_goddess and @neversleepz getting ready to wrap the first ever @VoxxedMelbourne @Devoxx

RT @minxdragon: Stop contributing to contempt culture. We need fresh blood, welcome newbies, don’t turn away people who are coming in from…

@minxdragon OH! So it’s just seamless. Yeah, I guess so. I do my hand knits that way anyway out of laziness. Didn’t realise I was being all 3-D and fancy. 😂

RT @minxdragon: YES! @web_goddess and I Beginning and ending #VoxxedDaysMelbourne talking about the awesome @JanelleCShane and her work #sk…

@thinkingfish Well, I ended up doing the talk with a beer in my hand, so I reckon it cancelled out the caffeine. 😂

@hannahyanfield This is for your collection. 😂😂❤️

@EsbieNet @MeatMarketMelb Thank you Sarah!! Glad you enjoyed it. ❤️

RT @EsbieNet: Have you ever knitted in your life? (yes, with needles and wool…)
If you answered yes, you’re basically a computer progra…

@meeravasudevan9 @VoxxedMelbourne Thank you Meera!! ❤️

@hannahyanfield I knew you’d like it. 😉

RT @minxdragon: The #Hamilton blanket by @HeartOfPluto_ makes a showing and gets a round of applause from the audience!! #VoxxedDaysMelbour…

If any women were inspired by @VoxxedMelbourne today, you should apply for @yow_conf’s New Voices in Tech speaker training program. Closes on May 11! #voxxeddaysmelbourne

RT @fatguppy: #Legacy Evolution – The #Innovation Opportunity! @Yow_Conf @MarlousTeh

#Lean approach to legacy evolution that focuses on hi…

RT @stacylondoner: tiny contribution to make tech more kind: i changed the word “blame” to “annotate” in the Bitbucket UI. `git blame` is…

Laughed. Out. Loud. 😂

@purnimakamath @daveathomas Yay, so glad you’re there!! 👋

@JanelleCShane @minxdragon Aww, thanks! There are older versions online (, but not the recent update including SkyKnit.

@starbuxman And thank YOU for telling me about it and giving me the push!

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.