How legitimate is digital art? Is it still Art when your brush is an algorithm controlled by a generative adversarial network? Mind-provoking stuff from @minxdragon. @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne
@kytrinyx Noooooo. 😂
@paulangov @dius_au @voxxed Yes – seen a lot of folks rocking DiUS shirts!
Whoa. A *new* tag team talk from @springrod and @starbuxman?! You’re a lucky audience, @VoxxedMelbourne! #voxxeddaysmelbourne
Heh. @starbuxman confesses that the delay in writing Cloud Native Java was mainly in arguing over which animal went on the cover. 😂 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
There it is.
Dot Spring
Dot IO
@starbuxman @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
ChatOps is happening! @springrod is demoing how to use @atomist, @github, and @SlackHQ to make deploying to Cloud Foundry easy. @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
@minxdragon Each time I see the spaghetti picture, I’m surprised you don’t make a creepypasta reference! *shudder*
Even sick with a cold, @starbuxman is one of the best in the biz. I wouldn’t be speaking here today without his encouragement. Such a good kid, and a favourite of everyone at @yow_conf! @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
@gilmae @starbuxman Ha! He knows it’s not patronising. Because he *is* a good kid.
We are two minutes in, and already I ❤️ everything about @holdenkarau’s talk. @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
Realisation: @holdenkarau’s slides have little photos up in the corner. Are they all cats?! 😻 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
Try and make sure you’re not just laundering your own biases with ML, because then the computer will just be doing evil for you. @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
“Is there anyone from Google here? You have to tell me. It’s like that cop thing.” 😂 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
@minxdragon @holdenkarau I wondered how many got the reference. Did they have Pintos in Oz??
Has the output of your Spark job ever caused a “serious” production outage? “These people suck at their jobs. These ones are updating their resumes. And these ones are lucky or lying.” You need to TEST! @holdenkarau @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
LOL. I’m the one who warned @willmendesneto against live coding demos. It’s so risky! So far so good though, my friend… 🍀 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
Pretty sure I spotted a @yow_conf sticker on @willmendesneto’s laptop, even from the back of the room! 😉💯 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
90 minutes before my talk. When’s the best time to have a coffee so it hits at the right time?
TFW @valtheCPO says, “Kris! Did you see we have a DONUT ROOM?” 😳🏃♀️ @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
@Paul_Bone Nah, prob won’t be time for questions. Everyone will be heading out for drinks!
HA! @philnash literally leaped in the air in happiness that, as of this week, his slide has green ticks across the board! ✅ @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
Me and the inaugural meeting of the Melbs Bot Appreciation Society. 🤖❤️ @minxdragon @Becknology @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
@mootpointer @valtheCPO @VoxxedMelbourne That’s pretty much what my heart is doing from the sugar.
I’ve been seriously impressed with the live coding demos today. @philnash from @twilio making it look easy! @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne
@philnash @twilio @VoxxedMelbourne ….and I cursed him. 😂
A public service announcement (and plea!) from @philnash: PLEASE don’t demand notification permissions on page load. You’ll just turn notifications into the new pop-ups! @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne
Jealous that @philnash appears to have mastered the art of matching his wardrobe to his slide deck theme. @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne
YAY – my turn!! @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne
RT @YRodenski: @web_goddess and @neversleepz getting ready to wrap the first ever @VoxxedMelbourne @Devoxx
RT @minxdragon: Stop contributing to contempt culture. We need fresh blood, welcome newbies, don’t turn away people who are coming in from…
@minxdragon OH! So it’s just seamless. Yeah, I guess so. I do my hand knits that way anyway out of laziness. Didn’t realise I was being all 3-D and fancy. 😂
RT @minxdragon: YES! @web_goddess and I Beginning and ending #VoxxedDaysMelbourne talking about the awesome @JanelleCShane and her work #sk…
@thinkingfish Well, I ended up doing the talk with a beer in my hand, so I reckon it cancelled out the caffeine. 😂
@hannahyanfield This is for your collection. 😂😂❤️
@EsbieNet @MeatMarketMelb Thank you Sarah!! Glad you enjoyed it. ❤️
RT @EsbieNet: Have you ever knitted in your life? (yes, with needles and wool…)
If you answered yes, you’re basically a computer progra…
@meeravasudevan9 @VoxxedMelbourne Thank you Meera!! ❤️
@hannahyanfield I knew you’d like it. 😉
RT @minxdragon: The #Hamilton blanket by @HeartOfPluto_ makes a showing and gets a round of applause from the audience!! #VoxxedDaysMelbour…
If any women were inspired by @VoxxedMelbourne today, you should apply for @yow_conf’s New Voices in Tech speaker training program. Closes on May 11! #voxxeddaysmelbourne
RT @fatguppy: #Legacy Evolution – The #Innovation Opportunity! @Yow_Conf @MarlousTeh
#Lean approach to legacy evolution that focuses on hi…
RT @stacylondoner: tiny contribution to make tech more kind: i changed the word “blame” to “annotate” in the Bitbucket UI. `git blame` is…
Laughed. Out. Loud. 😂
@purnimakamath @daveathomas Yay, so glad you’re there!! 👋
@JanelleCShane @minxdragon Aww, thanks! There are older versions online (, but not the recent update including SkyKnit.
@starbuxman And thank YOU for telling me about it and giving me the push!