Thandie Newton Wears Dress Featuring “Star Wars”‘ Black Characters to “Han Solo” Premiere at Cannes // THIS DRESS IS AMAAAAZING! 👗🌟👏
Hey Brisbane – this is going to be really special. You should jump on this! @dibblego @mcallana @_spyder @angusscown @joshduck @benkolera @carlosfairgray @Errorific @clinton_roy @LareneLg @collypops @moo0000 @sunday9pm
@The_McJones There was an entire presentation at #YOWData by @JeffreyTheobald that basically tried to prove that statement. 😂👀
@starbuxman Oh god that sucks. My commiserations.
RT @SydTechLeaders: Don’t forget tonight’s Neurodiversity in Tech event! Featuring @MichaelTozer @cathjones0 @sezshares and @annakelk . (Pl…
@philnash @twilio 8 bit T.Swift? TELL ME MORE PLS.
The wacky knitwear is coming out of the closet!…
That was a hand knit by me. The Snook however is rocking a machine knit binary jumper from @GLITCHAUS! 🤖
RT @GLITCHAUS: A #bespoke #DataKnit #sweater w/motif created from client provided #data – #knit #pixel-to-stitch – pm to learn more about a…
@gilmae @KnitYak Ooh, nice!!
Hey dudes. Doxxing a trans woman to the organisers of a women in tech event is not helpful or appreciated. We see what you’re doing, and we don’t support it. We support her.
It’s also worth noting that we don’t hold all women hackathons because we think that’s the only way women can win these things. Programming is not the Olympics. We do it because we want to learn from and support other women in the industry.
Faux concern that other participants will be upset when they inevitably lose to a trans woman is missing the point by, like, a hundred million miles. So please don’t go there.</rant>
Hey look! My wonderful @zendesk friends have launched a website for their excellent Software Art Thou speaker series in Melbourne, and they’ve got a cracker of a talk lined up for June!
@Zendesk And here’s the registration link for that event!
@diversionary Get back to me when the Brits/Aussies have done something about “orientate”. *glares*
Fantastic crowd for @SydTechLeaders tonight at @prospa! #sydtechleaders
@owensenior @darthted @SydTechLeaders What. Am. I. Doing.
First speaker is @MichaelTozer from the recent ABC program “Employable Me”. Sobering stat – those on autism spectrum are 12x less likely to find employment. #sydtechleaders
Distracted from excellent #sydtechleaders speakers by the FLOOFY DOG! 🐶
. @MichaelTozer got the idea for his company from a UK program about a tech company that hired an autistic young man as a tester. #sydtechleaders
RT @SydTechLeaders: “If you’ve met one person with autism… you’ve met one person with autism.” There is no one-size-fits-all approach to su…
RT @SydTechLeaders: One suggestion for hiring folks on the autism spectrum is to move to experience-based interviewing; ask for samples of…
There are 200K ppl with autism in Australia. If you think @MichaelTozer can help your company, please reach out. Help him change the world. #sydtechleaders
Next up is @cathjones0 from Rhombico – a knitter, yayyyyyy! #sydtechleaders
RT @SydTechLeaders: Neurodiversity means more than just autism – different folks have different strengths. #sydtechleaders…
An endorsement from @sezshares for @knitterjp and her values exercise. It’s a good thing to check in with your values every few years, but the top ones usually don’t change. #sydtechleaders
Final speaker is @annakelk from @seekjobs telling us about her recent project around neurodiversity at their 10th Hackathon. #sydtechleaders
@darthted I remember that talk! 😉
. @seekjobs are in a unique position due to scale and values-driven culture to try to better support neurodiverse candidates. @annakelk #sydtechleaders
RT @SydTechLeaders: Companies like Prudential and SAP have reported amazing results from teams of neurodivergent software testing teams. #s…
@annie_parker His name was Carlos, and apparently he’s the Chief Happiness Dog at @HowToProspa!!
@zoeydoesnttweet The telling thing was that, despite claiming support for his friend, he never used “she.” It gave us all a very bad vibe. 😕
Funniest part of @SydTechLeaders was when @gilmae though he spotted @the_snook but then realised it was actually @diversionary.
RT @darthted: Proud that we have 75% female speakers tonight at #sydtechleaders.
@XceptionalTech @SydTechLeaders @MichaelTozer You’re welcome to! Do you want me to send you the original? Might be better res