@FakeSamRitchie Yay! See you tomorrow
RT @desplesda: Submissions to #DevWorld close tomorrow!! Are you doing #iOSdev, #AppleDev, #macOSdev, or anything adjacent? We want your ta…
*deep breath* I just deleted Twenty from my phone. It was the most addictive game I’ve ever played. I miss it already. https://t.co/EuuBNtGozf https://t.co/rIFS2z3RyQ
@randomknits I looked up the specs. Holy shit. That’s awesome.
@falican It goes to 30. That’s pretty much the main thing. I didn’t play many of the other versions.
@gilmae I think Rodd was on the verge of citing it as grounds for divorce.
I have just committed to giving a talk about my first serverless project in three weeks… which means I now have a deadline to actually finish the thing.
@malcolmsheridan I have a slightly more involved project in mind… just needed a kick to get going. But that’s a decent backup option.
@The_McJones Blindly committing to things and then panicking over potential embarrassment is the only way I get anything done.
RT @SydTechLeaders: It’s frankly ridiculous we need to say this, but: SydTechLeaders is professional group, not a social gathering for cree…
@lightningdb @SydTechLeaders Both.
LOL. (I am old.) https://t.co/fAWLoRLPF1
RT @patron_sailor: My friend saw this hand-pieced 3D hyperboloid quilt at a quilt show & I am completely losing my mind over this thing. ht…
@mmastertheone FRICKING AWESOME
RT @gilmae: I think @tacticalgrace may have wrecked me, but it is a good wrecked. #ylj18
RT @damncabbage: Paging the #ylj18 crowd: the regular FP-Syd meetup is on this Wednesday evening, with details+signup here: https://t.co/K6…
@damncabbage Have made a note to mention it during the intros tomorrow!
Okay, this has been breaking my brain, but I reckon I worked out how she did it. I’m guessing a LOT of paper piecing was involved. https://t.co/gNVaAMw8LS
@yow_conf Is that @GeoffreyHuntley I see??
At some point, dinner with #ylj18 speakers turns into a meeting of super villains…
RT @rossdawson: NEW: The only good reason to speak… is to change people
If you are speaking to an audience, consider your purpose and re…
@jedws It does sometimes feel a little like this. https://t.co/kArCQWv74V
RT @sehnaoui: Mind blown. https://t.co/gpRencJbAl
@minxdragon You do! You’ve definitely inspired me.
My dessert was kinda fancy. https://t.co/fqj7Yebsed https://t.co/70cJ9aSFFo
@starbuxman @projectriff It’s just for a local meetup! I will definitely look into Riff though…
Way to go @SafetyCultureHQ! https://t.co/o4qPc99oiB
It’s nice when the sponsor talk is from an engineer! @afcowie on behalf of @CommBank with a nice thank you to the FP community. #ylj18 https://t.co/eBJHksWCqt
Looking forward to learning about category theory from @DrEugeniaCheng! (Flashbacks to some of @davidhearnden’s memorable @CanvaTech brown bags…) #ylj18 https://t.co/UUApEcKaaz
Flexibility of thinking is one of the most important parts of intelligence, and a lot of the problems of the world could be solved if people used more of it. #ylj18 @DrEugeniaCheng
Using category theory to assess privilege. @DrEugeniaCheng #ylj18 https://t.co/osZVDJd1YX
“All equations are lies! … This is sort of click bait.” #ylj18 @DrEugeniaCheng https://t.co/WstErMUoeS
Category theory as a tool for empathy. We should try every now and then to consider different categories where we are (or aren’t) at the top. #ylj18 @DrEugeniaCheng https://t.co/0NxAMnampk
@Paul_Bone @TacticalGrace No live stream unfortunately. But all the videos will go up in the coming weeks!
Identifying hard with @DrEugeniaCheng’s talk – but I had to make a small correction to this one. #ylj18 https://t.co/AKO7sFaqsd
RT @etymon: Life Lessons from Category Theory
1. Everything should be understood in context
2. Everyone is privileged in some contexts and…
RT @unixbigot: In closing, @DrEugeniaCheng says category theory gives us a brighter light and a broader view to study the world. #ylj18 htt…