Shared today on Twitter

RT @joselynhughes: god bless amy poehler

Excellent thread. I knew about Etsy’s three-armed knitted sweater, but I hadn’t heard the actual story before…

RT @yow_conf: 🚨 Our #YOWPER workshop registrations are now live! 🚨
Whether you’re interested into Product Ownership, architecting enterpr…

RT @HillaryClinton: But my emails.

Current mood. 🎵💃

@fbz Ooh, I’ll give it a go once I’m done dancing!

Finally seeing some influence of @WeWork on @meetup… Interesting! (Now how about increasing the rate limits on the API? 😂)

WTF Google ads. Why are stupid Bitcoin ads being shown on my site for kids? I had disabled all the inappropriate ad categories… I guess this is a new one. 🙄

@starbuxman Should’ve come to my @voxxedsingapore talk and you could’ve heard the whole 22 year saga of it! 🙂

As Friday afternoons go, I’ve had worse.

The cat is out of the bag! Last day at YOW! 😭 Blog post: New adventures…

RT @MichelePlayfair: What’s more fun than an escaped cat? Two cats! I’m excited to be joining YOW! as Executive Director on July 9. 😊 https…

RT @MichelePlayfair: Nobody can replace the amazing @web_goddess but I can promise to carry on the selfie tradition. Cheers!…

@MichelePlayfair Um, can you take all my selfies forever? Because this is one of the BEST photos of me!!

Gudetama enjoys the Vivid Festival, but wishes…

Celebrating with some awesome folks! @marlousteh @babyimhungryy @darthted1

RT @marlousteh: A picture says a thousand words.. Happy and sad at the same time.. But I can’t be selfish so I’ll choose to be happy for yo…

Me: I dreamed my tooth cracked and crumbled and fell out. What do you think that means?

The Snook: You think you’re losing power, agency, or influence.


@secretGeek I definitely do that, but I’ve worn a mouth guard for years. So it’s not new