Shared today on Twitter

@noopkat Oh no! I know how much you love it. Are you moving away??

@darraghke Thank you!! Although I’ll admit I’m sorry I won’t get to host YOW Nights in that awesome space in Zendesk anymore… πŸ™‚

@lindamciver Thank you! It was definitely hard to make the call to leave when I regularly got to meet amazing folks like you. ❀️

@trannosaurusma πŸ˜‚ I’ll admit as a lifelong Wonder Woman fan, getting to be a real Amazon was part of the attraction!

@frankarr THANK YOU for all your advice and encouragement, along with @glenngillen and @mattallen. #awssquadgoals ❀️

@charis Thank you! Gotta admit I’m sad not to be heading back to HK for the conf later this year. I know we will meet up again though, I’m sure of it! (And WebConf looked awesome! WELL DONE to you!)

@MelissaKaulfuss Thank you! I didn’t put it in the post, but there was definitely also a component of “Damn, we need more older women role models around the place. Oh shit, that’s me now I guess?!” to the decision. Hopefully I don’t disappoint!

@charrett @MichelePlayfair @yow_conf Honestly, it would have been a lot harder to leave if I didn’t know what an amazing person was joining the team. Michele is going to crush it!

@bgever Thanks Bart. I’m sad I didn’t get to work much with you, but happy to have helped bring you into the YOW community (and us into yours)! Next time I’m in HK, I will definitely be hitting Beer Bay. 😜

@Direwolf82 Thanks Enrique! Definitely. πŸ™‚

@levelsconf @awscloud ❀️ Thank YOU – @levelsconf and @juniordev_io have been a massive inspiration to me over the past year!

@mobywhale ❀️ Thanks Fi! *cracks knuckles* Can’t wait to get stuck in! πŸ™‚

@petehanssens Thanks Peter! I will confess to having a peek at some of @acloudguru’s AWS-related materials. Might explore some of that during my days off this week… πŸ˜‰

@groodt Thanks Greg! ❀️

@developerjack @AWSCloudANZ As one of my earliest DevRel supporters, I owe a huge THANK YOU to you, Jack. ❀️ Love the positive energy you put into our community too.

@philnash Yeah, definitely kidding myself there. πŸ˜‚ Thank you!

@keisanpablo Well, not quite 2 years, but close enough. πŸ˜‰ I popped by the Canva office the other day and saw this girl that I totally thought was you. Nearly gave her a big hug before I realised it wasn’t Kei! Too many strangers; not enough Kei. ❀️😜

@mattallen Mwahahaha… that was the ultimate plan: get @mattallen back to Sydney more often. My conspirator @hannahyanfield and I will be very happy if that happens! πŸ˜ƒ

@kleeut Thanks Klee!

@bazscott Thanks! Yeah, this is the second small family company I’ve left in my career, and it’s a lot harder than the big ones. Sucks to leave, but excited for the future. ❀️

@LareneLg Thanks Larene – and especially for flying the flag for women in tech in Brisbane. So grateful that I was able to get to meet you through YOW! ❀️

@minxdragon Thanks J! Meeting you and getting to introduce you to the YOW community was definitely one of the highlights of last year. ❀️ The fact that we’re friends now and keep crossing paths is the icing on the cake!

@joneaves @mattallen 😊 #flattered

@ryanbigg @glenngillen @awscloud Thank you! Honoured (and a little intimidated!) at joining such an awesome crew!

@neil_killick Thanks Neil! Glad I finally managed to meet you on a visit. πŸ˜ƒ

@pfctdayelise Thank you! ❀️ To be honest it was unsustainable. Over the past few months I’ve helped bring on a team of part time evangelists to spread it around, that way nobody has to feel they need to do that many!

@twasink Cheers. ❀️ Yeah, it was only when I started talking to them about a role I realised how many really great folks I know who work there!

@LJKenward Same to you! ❀️

@michaelisvy Thank you Michael! I was really honoured to have @voxxedsingapore be my last event representing YOW. ❀️

@zarahjutz Thanks Zarah! Same to you – can’t wait to hear how it’s all going over at WooliesX. ❀️

@KittyHybrid Thank you! Beginnings are always a little scary, but that’s also why they’re fun. ❀️

@alanburchill Yeah, but as a site owner (that’s my website), I have control over what categories show. I’d turned off all sensitive categories. I’m annoyed that Google apparently puts Bitcoin get-rich-quick ads in with legit finance ads. 😐

@KittyHybrid We went to an egg-themed cafe dedicated to him in Singapore! It was hilarious. πŸ˜‚

@tjbyte Thanks. Yep, definitely was. I was volunteering at YOW events long before I worked for them. Being part of the team was really satisfying! ❀️

@jonoabroad Thank you! 😊

@neversleepz Thanks Kon! I reckon you definitely will. πŸ˜‰

@kouky Thanks Kouky! Was pretty hilarious when @nicwinton told me he heard the news early from Sacramento. That Hebron kid, I tell you… πŸ˜‚

@rotnroll666 Thank you Michael!

@majorhealy Thanks Major! Ugh, we never see you guys. Let’s make a public commitment to get the crew back together sometime this year. ❀️

@georgiecel Thanks Georgie! I’m hoping if I keep very quiet, they won’t even boot me from the YOW Slack so I can still talk to all of them every day. πŸ˜‚β€οΈ

@annakelk Thanks Anna – going to miss my regular visits to the @seekjobs office to catch up with you and @craigles75! (Although I believe he has long term plans to get me for his team…) 😜

@TarynMusgrave Thanks Taryn. ❀️ to you and the fam…

@markc Thanks Mark!

@joshprice Thanks Josh! PS your new puppy is super cute, even if he does keep destroying things. πŸ˜‚

@toolmantim Thanks Tim! Hopefully I’ll still get to catch up with the @buildkite team every now and then. ❀️

@slace Thanks! You know as well as I do how exhausting community work can be. Excited to switch it up for a while. πŸ™‚

@keirasaid Thanks Keira! Still annoyed I didn’t manage to get you speaking at YOW event while I was there. (@MichelePlayfair – keep an eye on this one!) πŸ˜ƒ

@aidanjmorgan Thanks Aidan! Without exaggeration, being invited to locknote at @DDDPerth was one of the highlights of my time at YOW. Love what you all do for the Perth community. ❀️

@forloop Thank you Russ! πŸ˜ƒ

@KenScambler Same to you, buddy! Look forward to catching up soon and hearing how you’re going with the awesome folks at @MYOB. ❀️

@allPowerde When I wrote the bit about amazing, inspirational people who are changing the world? That part was about you and @lynnlangit. The two of you couldn’t be rid of me if you wanted to – I’m going to be your biggest fan and wannabe friend for a long time! ❀️

@themaninblue Slight exaggeration – more like 20 months. (Which actually makes the numbers worse, I guess!) πŸ˜‚ Thank you – and thanks for the intro to Hannah the other day. Always happy to help out my @canva fam wherever I can!

@msharp Oh are you?? I’m off all next week! πŸ˜‰

@mattallen @hannahyanfield Hmmm, Wednesday is @sydjs I think and I heard a rumour that @gabehollombe will be there. πŸ˜‰ Tuesday or Friday best for me!

@AndrewADavidson Thanks Andrew! I was so grateful for the opportunity to get to know you and some of the other folks in the HK tech community. Hopefully I’ll be able to visit again in the future. ❀️

RT @yow_conf: “I want to express my appreciation to @web_goddess for all of her contributions.”- A message of appreciation from our founder…

@j_houg Thank you!! ❀️

Finally something to get me interested in the World Cup! Now to see whether Dr. Amy or Petey has any psychic abilities…

@CamJo89 Thanks Cam!!

@evolvable Thanks Graham! Yeah, pretty pleased with everything we were able to do. I know the @yow_conf team will continue to be awesome going forward too. ❀️

@boyter #humblebrag πŸ˜‚

@FourRedShoes The last two months have been pretty crazy… πŸ€”

@starbuxman Bahhh… you know you are beloved by millions! πŸ™‚

@LynnDangAU Thank you Lynn!

@benkolera Thank you Ben. Easy to support a community full of wonderful folks like you! ❀️

@cwmyers Thank you Chris! Proud to say I did my best. πŸ™‚

@mattallen @frankarr @glenngillen I get to be B.A.!

@anthonypjshaw Thanks Anthony! πŸ™‚

@AndyDentPerth Ooh, that’s a good one!

@gilmae Bah. Whatever will do we do when we’re not griping about our jobs to each other?!

@AshleeMcCusker Thanks Ashlee! And to think it all started with a hackathon… β€οΈπŸ˜‰

@halans Thank you! It’s good to know people are thinking that instead of “Her?!” πŸ˜‚

@clepetit LOL. Now I’m imagining you looking like a werewolf out of fear to cut your hair. πŸ˜‚

@MikeRiethmuller Thank you – and great job with your recent conference talk! Saw lots of tweets – looked epic. πŸ™‚

@StewGleadow @yow_conf Thanks Stew! And whoa, have you started a new role too? Can’t wait to hear how it’s going. Best of luck with it!

@holdenkarau Thanks Holden! Still annoyed I wasn’t able to get you onstage at YOW. (@MichelePlayfair – another one for your list.) ❀️

@alanburchill I think this falls under “not biting the hand that feeds me.” πŸ˜‚ Will choose to blame those crypto fanboys!

@TheRealBnut Thanks Andrew! You looked busy and I didn’t want to bother. Should definitely catch up sometime soon! ❀️

@friendlyunit Ooh, I like this interpretation!

@veekas @noopkat I’m sad for you, but suddenly realising my new role at AWS might give me an opportunity to catch up with @noopkat in person again! #SilverLining

@lottejackson Thanks Charlotte! Haha, calendar already filling up. Not sure how restful it’s going to be in the end. ❀️

@mattallen @frankarr @glenngillen No, I just like jewelry and pity fools. 😜

@imdominating @QueerEye Living your best life. (Welcome to the cool decade, cuz!)

Someone wants me to stop sending thank you tweets and pay attention to her… (typing one-handed as a result)

@DamianM Just one! πŸ˜‚ Thanks…

Tech companies who are hiring – check your JDs. When you *only* use masculine pronouns, we notice. It’s not hard to make them more inclusive. (Oh yeah, and we share them. This one came via the @GGDSydney Slack…)

On the phone with @GIOInsurance to lodge claim for my lost watch. Oddly, I’d feel less bad if it were a laptop, despite the added expense. This was a personal thing I picked out for myself, and I’m still so angry I lost it. 😒

@GIOInsurance Claim went through painlessly, so I appreciate that. Unfortunately I hadn’t specified it in policy, so claim covered less than half, but better than nothing I suppose. Lesson learnt. 😭

Congrats to the Newcastle Knitwits on taking out this year’s International Back to Back Wool Challenge! Would love to put a team together one of these days. (@knitterjp – you’re in, right?) πŸ˜‰

@gilmae I don’t understand. Why is the date in the future?

@gilmae Are you INSANE? The correct answer is: “All forms of melon.”

Finally seeing Solo. Better be good, Dan Carbo! 🍦 (@ Palace Cinemas Central in Chippendale, New South Wales)