Shared today on Twitter

Ohhhh. Just discovered that Tweetdeck has a “quality filter” that hide crappy replies. Turns out my post about inclusive JDs brought out some trolls, and I didn’t even see them. Actually, that’s pretty nice. 😉

@gilmae Meh. Let ‘em rant into the aether, poor sad jerks. I’m just impressed Tweetdeck knew to hide them. Sometimes machine learning is good!

RT @nelli2k: Thanks @yow_conf for YOW! New voices in tech workshop invatation. It is fantastic!

Somehow I ended up in a laneway in Sydney on a cold rainy night in a shout with a couple Melburnian refugees… @chixors @evanderkoogh 🍺🍷

@gilmae Why are you eating watermelon in WINTER? It’s not even in season. 🤮

@emma_n_robbins @yow_conf Awww, it was lovely to meet you even briefly! ❤️

@chixors @evanderkoogh Heh. Erwin. He just says it weird because Dutch. 😛

@chixors Did you make it??

@polleyg Congrats!!