Shared today on Twitter

Having a final lunch with the Snook before I’m classified as an enemy combatant. 😂

RT @inafried: (its philanthropy arm) is matching employee donations to four groups working at the border with famil…

@MichelePlayfair Was more to do with the fact we were eating in his office. 😂

@MichelePlayfair No, no lunch at the Amazons. They’re frugal. 😢

@LukeSleeman @Taipei_GTUG Such a cute idea! Totally stealing that for my next talk overseas. Best of luck!!

I should have listened to @evanderkoogh and @gabehollombe earlier. Async/await is the answer I’ve been searching for. It’s all coming together.

@slace HA! 😂

@mantaq10 Haha, nahh, I meant no disrespect to the Javascript. I am in awe of those who can wrangle. It’s just not the part I expected to have so much trouble with on this particular project!

Vows: ‘Mayor Pete’ Gets Married, Then Takes His Husband to a Parade // Here’s your “not everything is terrible” of the day. ❤️ His Dad was one of my professors at ND!

@emma_n_robbins Emma! Let me introduce you to @lucykbain and @pyko from Sydney Girl Geeks. They’re awesome (and coincidentally did Damian’s training with me a few years back)!

@emma_n_robbins @lucykbain @pyko Lucy and Pegs – Emma’s from Victoria and just did the program herself on Monday. 🙂

RT @DeathStarPR: Emperor Palpatine’s ‘I AM A SITH LORD’ jacket had no hidden message BUT IF IT DID it had a hidden message that refers to t…

Logging into AWS console to see if my Lambda ran correctly overnight…

IT DID! Me, right now: