Cool – Submarine Cable Map 2018. Was literally *just* talking with a fellow techie about his plan to retire to Vanuatu due to low tax rate and fast Internet. 😂 via The Sizzle @decryption
@twasink @decryption Heh. I don’t know if he factored that into his plans…
Cannot decide if my dogged insistence on following the rules when others don’t makes me a lone voice of rectitude in the wilderness… or a complete sucker.
A beautiful day… indeed. #nofilter
Feeling the @yow_conf family love tonight… ❤️ @purnimakamath @vbhvsgr
@yow_conf @purnimakamath @vbhvsgr Nah, Harry’s Bar at Clarke Quay.
This is excellent advice for anyone who wants to be a better friend and partner. If you suck at emotional labour, you need to read this and DO THESE THINGS MORE OFTEN.
@PrakritiMateti @Zendesk @yes_khalida WAY TO GO! 👏