@emma_n_robbins Yes, THIS. I’ve had employers question why I’ve changed jobs more than men of my age in the industry. BECAUSE ITS THE ONLY WAY TO GET A RAISE. If I didn’t, I’d be on < 1/3 what I’m on now.
@Mandy_Kerr Nah, just got nearly 100 connection requests from complete randoms who don’t include a note, and it’s annoying the crap out of me.
@evanderkoogh @WaiLingKo What was that eldritch horror meant to be??
Somebody missed his Mama… 😻 https://t.co/NczTDJmaVi https://t.co/xV7RxL8qpt
@frankarr Interesting. We have watched a few eps of “Gourmet Samurai” too – highly recommended. Similar idea with a retired guy who goes to restaurants for lunch!
@frankarr Correction: Samurai Gourmet.
@ricardoy1 He’s more cuddly in winter when it’s colder. 😂