Shared today on Twitter

@brianleroux Just saw you’re coming back for @webdirections! Nice one. 😃

Public service announcement: please don’t turn up to meetups if you haven’t registered. Please don’t assume “waitlist” means “I have a seat.” Love, a beleaguered meetup organiser 😢

RT @gilmae: Late pizza, missing beer carton.

Tonight I have used my core competency of responding to rapidly changing requirements and mak…

@charis @trannosaurusma Depends on the venue. When it’s one that requires names to be preregistered with security and where they have already allotted 2x tickets, dropins don’t work.

RT @SydTechLeaders: Massive crowd for #sydtechleaders tonight! Apologies to those who couldn’t get in. This topic was very popular! https:/…

No offence to previous #sydtechleaders speakers, but having UX experts on tonight’s program means the slide design is 💯👌.

RT @TechDownunder: Want to send a huge thanks to @web_goddess for taking time out today to help me brainstorm how to bake diversity into th…

@TechDownunder Woo! Happy to help, and I look forward to listening. 😁

“If you have a design system, you win. Even better if it’s cared for by a central DesOps team!” – @LucindaBurtt First time I’ve ever typed DesOps, but I bet it won’t be the last! #sydtechleaders

RT @mobywhale: Excited to see @diversionary present at #sydtechleaders!! 👏

RT @SydTechLeaders: Final speaker is @bencrothers from @Atlassian, promising to be a little bit “controversial”… (PS He has a book!) #syd…

RT @straczynski: 1/ As the guy who co-created the character of She-Ra and her universe alongside Larry DiTillio (though Mattel named her),…

Me at #sydtechleaders tonight, trying to rearrange things so we can totally party with the Haitians (I mean, “front end folks”). 😂

Impromptu whiteboarding is happening! @bencrothers couldn’t resist the impulse… #sydtechleaders

“The 5 Whys? How about the 5 So What’s! Does it really matter? Is it important?” @bencrothers #sydtechleaders 😂

@jonoabroad @bencrothers This one doesn’t count since I help run it. 😂

Did I mention @darthted shaved his beard? It’s freaking me out. Suddenly flashing back to the time my Dad shaved his moustache in the 80’s.

Useful tip from @diversionary to frame your discussions around “How might we…?” #sydtechleaders

Look at the hacks and workarounds your customers use. It will show you their mental model, and what needs they have that aren’t being met by your product. @bencrothers #sydtechleaders

Mike is enjoying the post-meetup tunes. msharp

😂 @msharp actually complimented the DJ for playing Warren G.

Apologies to all the lovely folks who asked me about my new job tonight at #sydtechleaders and got a very short answer! Hosting is more stressful than it looks. 😂

RT @mattblaze: I’m like a broken record on this, but if you’re a technologist concerned with voting security and don’t know where to start,…

My bus driver has the classical station playing loudly. It’s given the whole ride home a rather theatrical vibe. I like this.

RT @gwwar: Life lessons from my Chinese learning app

RT @TrendsSydney: #sydtechleaders is now trending in #Sydney

Your influence lives on, @mipsytipsy!

Brrr, it’s kinda cold tonight. Thankfully I have a very warm new jacket! ❤️

RT @SydTechLeaders: If anyone ledt their Opal card behind at tonight’s meet up please contact @darthted.

RT @AWS_Gov: Have you planned your data center migration to the cloud?

RT @vgcerf: Simple flowchart:

@jonoabroad @kpfaulkner Yes, but in meetings for most of the day! Might be able to pop in this afternoon. 🙂