Shared today on Twitter

@mmastertheone @AndrewADavidson I was prompted by an internal one. It’s more the inevitable overambition, crunch, and substandard output. I’m too much of a perfectionist to enjoy. (Plus I’ve caught a cold.)

@developerjack @thefinancio @abss_asia About time! 😁 Congrats.

RT @theyareaboutyou: I’m worried that you work too hard. Please take a well-deserved break! πŸ’•

The Queer Art of Failing Better – I πŸ‘ love πŸ‘ this πŸ‘ quote πŸ‘

@richbuggy @mmastertheone @AndrewADavidson Sure! You just needed to be in Singapore 22 hours ago. πŸ˜‘

Nice preso, #sawildboars! You deserve a 🍺

@DDsD We had the website and the machine learning model… just not enough time to wire them up together. πŸ˜†

@bodil Our team were the Drop Bears – β€œLegends of Australia.” 🐨 So there was a pun element.

Two epic moments of win to round off SA Launch: I finally topped the podium on a Kahoot quiz, and I built Tindr for beer in our hackathon. πŸ˜‚

RT @mikeal: Imagine winning a market so dramatically that your competitor shuts down their competing services, hands you their IP, and give…

@MahouShoujoD @zoeydoesnttweet Did you have specs before? They’re cute!

RT @nightwatchman: No doubt that Julia Gillard was one hundred times better at eating a pie than Malcolm Turnbull.

MeFi: Cannibal AI and pancakes – @minxdragon I reckon this will appeal to you!

Home again home again jiggity-jig. (at @SydneyAirport in Mascot, NSW)