Shared today on Twitter

First question for @jeffbarr is, of course, about the purple hair. 👨‍🎤 #purplejeff #AWSDevDay

Gudetama is very excited for this morning’s keynote! #awsdevday

Interesting. @jeffbarr connects Open Source with @awscloud’s customer obsession – it’s about communication and collaboration. #AWSDevDay

If you want to join in today, there are live streams happening! #AWSDevDay

LOL! @jeffbarr told a heartwarming story about his daughter growing up to be a rocket scientist… and capped it by saying he insisted his kids all used Emacs, exclusively. (There were legit gasps from the audience.) 😂 #AWSDevDay

Fun demo as 1000+ people all load a Sumerian AR demo in their browser! (My dancer was upside down.) 😂 #AWSDevDay

Learning about Serverless Application Model from Gerardo. This is relevant to my interests. #AWSDevDay

SAM CLI – I can mock and test my serverless apps locally?! 😍 #AWSDevDay

Just met my new colleague Jenny today – excited to see a full house for her talk on machine learning tools! #AWSDevDay

@ricardoxmit You got it!! 👏👏

TFW you can see @jeffbarr posing for selfies in the distance but you’re *almost* up to the coffee cart and it’s truly a life or death caffeine situation… 😫☕️ #purplejeff #AWSDevDay


RT @aurynn: Okay yeah this event has been extremely excellent so far. You should have some quality FOMO right now.


Learning about building cross account CI/CD pipelines from @brentjmaxwell. Looks like a good approach to dealing with environment complexity… #AWSDevDay

@malcolmsheridan I’m relatively new to serverless. Don’t make me feel bad for not knowing everything!

@petehanssens @brentjmaxwell Landing Zones were in there! I had to duck out before the end but I definitely saw mention.

RT @wbm312: “I’ll do it on the plane” is the biggest lie I tell to myself.

RT @aurynn: “Because secrets want to be free they get into source code repositories”


It’s so true


RT @deekob: Having a great time at #awsdevday in Melb, come and try a #awsdevlab while you still have time @AWSCloudANZ…

Learning about using Parameter Store to keep your secrets… secret. “I am French, so I like to put baguettes in my password for extra flavour and crustiness.” 😂🥖 #AWSDevDay @aurelienrequiem

@aurynn Wheels are in motion. 😉

Mark the date, people. My first appearance on an AWS event big screen! 😁 #AWSDevDay

I was so excited to see @aurynn on the #AWSDevDay panel. We need more folks in the industry who think deeply about our industry and culture.

@The_McJones MIGNON. Actually, that’s pretty good. 😂😂😂

@The_McJones @TheRealBnut I have no idea what you mean.

RT @Atrioc: Whoever put up this fake sticker of an open outlet at the airport, you are now my enemy for life.

RT @codemonkeh: Quite refreshing coming to #AWSDevDay. There are so many great services out there that do something specific easily. The fu…

RT @joebarnard: I just learned that the Mars Curiosity Rover no longer beeps out Happy Birthday on its landing anniversary. @NASA decided “…

@JodiMcA @JennaGuillaume @TheGrimRecapper I 100% support this idea!!

@aurynn I think you mean there is a small amount of salad under your cheese.

@paul_okeeffe From my continued existence (as evidenced by my ability to tweet), you may safely conclude YES. 😂

Honestly, this may be one of my fave self tweets ever. *pats self on back* 🧔🏻

@bazscott The word you are looking for is INSPIRED. 😜

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.