@stevelikesyou @soxyface Oh man! So jealous I can’t make it. 🙁
@FakeSamRitchie @sir_tilbrook But where are your podcasts?? 🤔
@FakeSamRitchie @sir_tilbrook I presume it’ll have a punny name…
RT @AWSCloudANZ: Public Sector Cloud Transformation is here! Build your Cloud strategy from the 40 sessions at the #AWSPSSummit Canberra. h…
Protip for conf speakers: announce that you are taking a six month hiatus. You will then be inundated with offers to speak at amazing events that you have to turn down. (Ask me how I know.) 😐
@soxyface @stevelikesyou It’s even worse. I actually had a talk accepted for it that I had to turn down. 😭
@techevangelista If you lived closer to Oz, I’d be happily referring some of these to you!
these casual princess lOOKS 😍😍 https://t.co/YFefDN0I…
RT @AWSCloudANZ: Hear from the innovators & learn from the #cloudcomputing builders at our #AWSPSSummit Canberra. https://t.co/AMohf2qmn9 h…
The saddest creature in the world. (That’s a bandage on her foot. She had an ingrown nail.) 😿 https://t.co/F1wauQuoeD https://t.co/IJGpkIuHZW
@frankarr Step 1: don’t look at Frank’s phone tool icons… 😂
Making fun of the cat’s bandaged foot… I’m a bad person. (She keeps shaking it like the bandage is a sock she can’t get off.) 😂 https://t.co/drvkHPGCJP
RT @thatjoshboys: Had someone on the weekend say they couldn’t make an upcoming event due to cost. Any professional devs out there from an…
I shouldn’t laugh so much… 😂 https://t.co/TfGke38cK5 https://t.co/rItnwdxPm9
We’re rewatching the Bond movies, and I am LIVING for Felix Leiter’s sunnies in Dr. No. https://t.co/kM5Pu3lEIp
Honey Ryder was drugged and locked up all night by Dr. No – so how did she get her hair to look like that?! https://t.co/LgE1vgFEXn