It’s very odd to be at a conference where I’m not an organiser or a speaker. I’m just… an attendee. 😳
@The_McJones I am subconsciously compensating by drinking a lot of caffeine.
@charis I was asleep by 10pm last night. SO WEIRD
@mipearson @DamonOehlman My experience is in Sydney (and so is Jess), so that’s how I took his original tweet. I think GA grads are hard to generalise – many of them have years of professional experience and bring skills beyond just what they learned in the course.
Asked the Snook how his World of Warcraft staycation was going. He says the expansion is proving to be very popular… 😂
RT @yow_conf: ⚠️ Warning! Warning! ⚠️
#YOW18 earlybird tickets in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne close tomorrow or until sold out.
@codepo8 It sounds lovely. I wish the Kindle version were available!
@codepo8 Yeah, only gives me hardcover option. Tried other stores too. 🙁
@twistieman As a bottle redhead, now I feel bad for getting them excited under false pretences! 😂