@holdenkarau @charis @charisrooda @rovetastic It’s a tiny little cafe but the food was decent! I shared some more photos here: https://t.co/lDZ6vNJZS4
Was reading an article about skateboarding films and ended up watching this short, which I LOVED. And now I’m googling whether it’s possible to learn skateboarding once you’re 40+. 😂 https://t.co/lijD9WzYPt
My first Alexa skill is now live! If you’ve got one of the devices, please test it out and let me know if you’ve got feedback. More questions will be added in the future… https://t.co/BZKMiE2u2h
RT @paulcoxon: Happy birthday, Margaret Hamilton. She led the team which developed the flight software for NASA’s Apollo Moon missions. 82…
Hm. You might have to switch to the appropriate country’s Amazon store to install it. Seems that the deep link doesn’t redirect to the correct geo…
Number of times I have gone to click on the @tweetbot Activity tab so far today: 4. Damn you @twitter. 😕
@nitecoder @tweetbot I need my dopamine hit!
@jesse_bryant Ooh, this looks amazing! Thank you for sharing. 🙂
@evolvable 😂
Sunday roast! The Snook made Chicken & Leek Suet Pudding (from the @hairybikers). So good! ❤️ https://t.co/WrmpXiDQy1
@elegantpoem I’m trying to keep mine minimal too!
@stringy Did he do it via the words he played? Because that would be next level.