TFW you’re having a busy stressful day and you step out of the lift and run into @lemon_lime who gives you the biggest hug, and you really needed it, and suddenly everything is okay again. ❤️
@lemon_lime AWWW, so the universe was really looking out for me!
@incunabulista It’s the official FibreFest 2018 Knitters Guild NSW shawl, except I’m making it not a shawl. 😂
@lemon_lime New service idea: HaaS. 🤗
I’ve put up my hand for Sunrise this year as part of the @startmate Mentor Experience, powered by @awscloud. Looking forward to meeting some passionate founders and talking to them about engaging with the right technical folks to help them out! #sunrise18
Current mood. 🍷
@charis It’s actually a fairly small glass. 😂
@Asher_Wolf Mine was a hug from a good friend when I needed it!
@gilmae I keep picturing a vampire, but I can’t remember what from…
@gilmae I KNEW IT! (LOL at Lester. Lestat would be so put out.)
@thursdayb @otterfaseowl @glasnt @hawkieowl Same.
@AllSchuckUp @themaninblue @canva @MelanieCanva @cliffobrecht @davidhearnden @crankymate Congratulations all around!