Shared today on Twitter

@damncabbage LOOOOLLLLLLL

@minxdragon Whoa!! 🤞🤞🤞

Celebrating passing my AWS Cloud Practitioner certification by going to the #awsdevwarrior meetup. Because I don’t have enough ☁️ in my life. 😂

Very cool talk on Kubernetes from @dfrnascimento. He recommended this repo of awesome k8s resources: #awsdevwarrior

@jesse_bryant @CloudcraftCo Whaaat, that looks super cool!

RT @JodiMcA: Jen is faking her own death as a way of making Joey realise that it’s always been Pacey, and then when Joey has made her choic…

RT @caitie: Good morning Twitter, your periodic reminder that “Hey guys” is not inclusive language, This is even more glaring when its used…

Ooh, @grabyourfork went to Bistecca! It’s not often I manage to beat her to a restaurant. If you want to see photos of what @delitescere has been raving about, it’s here:

Really honoured to be referenced in @GlennSarti’s talk on sharing from #NDCSydney. 😍 Thanks Glenn! Glad to have helped in some small way.