@darthted @LiamElliott_au @owensenior @lightningdb @SydTechLeaders I knew that was going to be suggested! Let’s add it to the board for next year. 🙂
I honestly don’t know why I expected any different. 🤮 https://t.co/aVfFAVZE3G https://t.co/4dA6OtRKVS
LOL. @knitterjp and @unlikelylibrary were just singing so gustily to our road trip playlist that we missed our exit. 😂😂
Fibre Fest weekend has begun! 🍻 #fibrefest2018 https://t.co/1emGvky4zq https://t.co/gjGobz8R7Q
#frocktober 26: Dinosaur dress (Tiramisu from Cake Patterns), made by me! #pockets ❤️👗🍺 https://t.co/LxP12tekoX https://t.co/wEPM39mG1D
@JasonUmiker I hate it. It looked so awful I couldn’t resist.