Learning about @apollographql from @peggyrayzis at #wds18… https://t.co/wAg1BCnwlE
Oh wow. Real-time performance metrics inside your IDE to help you write better queries… @peggyrayzis giving us a sneak peek! #wds18 https://t.co/CaEu6CYNeI
😍 Thanks fellow Frocker @Amys_Kapers. This is indeed the dress I was sewing all through #frocktober! If you’d like to donate to @ocrfaustralia, my page is here: https://t.co/Cp1ivbU15l #wds18 https://t.co/Bk8PBUcEpw
Schema driven development allows teams to collaborate and work together better. #wds18 @peggyrayzis https://t.co/M8AFqyIWDN
Not everyone has played with machine learning, so @devdevcharlie is giving a helpful quick overview. “I mean, wtf is a predictive model?” 😂 #wds18 https://t.co/TnkvFxXUJ3
RT @antonjb: Communicating with Alexa using sign language and machine learning from @devdevcharlie talk #wds18 https://t.co/vGTrLfET6r
The morning’s sexy theme continues… 😂 @devdevcharlie #wds18 https://t.co/kLKi4ufl9Z
Applause as @devdevcharlie plays Browser Face Pong by moving her head around on camera! #wds18 👏😂 https://t.co/xTRqTDQX5H
Ahem. I have a bug report, @philnash. WHAT COUNTRY ARE WE IN ANYWAY. #wds18 https://t.co/sGs8UBZcmv
. @mnot pushing all my nostalgia buttons, talking about the painful ways we downloaded applications and resources in the old days… #wds18 https://t.co/lrWcN7l2zK
Cache Digest allows client to provide a representation of what it has in cache to server, which can then send only what client needs. (@mnot somewhat buried the lede though – not supported in any browser yet!) #wds18 https://t.co/IkodsymBFd
Proposed status code 103 is a non-final request and provides a hint of resources to download while server is still thinking. But again – not supported yet. #wds18 @mnot https://t.co/ZTaZx562CF
Error experiences suck mainly because of the distance between where the bug happens and where the explosion actually occurs. #wds18 @damncabbage https://t.co/s1V1MEXYUT
@Amys_Kapers @yow_conf @evanderkoogh @Bitgenics I think that’s one for @hannahyanfield’s Museum of Kris Gurns. 😂
@mikefrontenddev @webdirections It IS on the lanyard! #wds18 https://t.co/hqiTEARafj
Audience participation as @evanderkoogh counts through browser security attacks and defensive techniques with the @CountVonCount! 😂 #wds18 https://t.co/HsZA1E7RzH
You’d never know @evanderkoogh has a small daughter… #wds18 https://t.co/HOFeFA8LjN
RT @georgiecel: pretty sure the perfect cookie looks more delicious than that 🍪
#wds18 https://t.co/W6CXpwJysj
@gilmae 🔪
Huh. It’s been a while since I used the latest version of @Jira. It’s actually older than some developers today! 😂 @nadia_jsdev #wds18 https://t.co/R9bfufbUlO
@philnash It’s like the tech equivalent of infinite monkeys on typewriters producing Hamlet. 🐒
@coder_bec Rumour has it you’re at Web Directions??
RT @MsJonesInSydney: Help a girl out? I’ve set myself a hefty goal to reach 500 responses from women in tech and inform the tech industry o…
@sealfur @gilmae He was trolling me. 😐
Design-driven companies are good for business. I get most of these – just bought my first Dyson in fact – but… IBM?! #wds18 https://t.co/RhkLiG08H3
@annie_parker @MsJonesInSydney YESSSS. I bet you $5 you hit your goal tonight, Emma. 😉
#Frocktober BONUS! Aloha Oolong bias-cut dress from @colettepatterns, made by me. (Still time to donate…) https://t.co/6cMkiFmxEG https://t.co/OlsHT1rLA6
QFT: Vision without execution is hallucination. Changemakers get shit done. @mgiudice #wds18 https://t.co/YOo3Nr42wk
New life goal: live up to @daisysmells’s image of me. ❤️
RT @pixelatedboat: It’s the perfect day to post my favourite quote from my favourite movie! https://t.co/TbXOt91nx1
@nanacodesign Awww, you didn’t get one from @SydTechLeaders! 😢
Highlight of the #wds18 speaker drinks was forming a Woman Power Circle with @peggyrayzis and @daisysmells. ✊