My reward for braving the shops: the Snook baked a Lemon Poppyseed Buttermilk Drizzle Cake. ๐๐๐ฐ
@DreamingMetal It was invented for brownies, but I’ve also used it for lasagna and lots of other stuff. ๐
@gilmae @randomknits As you should be. (This shit is gooooood.)
You know what’s fun? Trying to order falafel for 45 people on a Sunday night.
@DreamingMetal It’s more for folks who like the crispy edge bits, which is us!
Falafel procured! And there was much rejoicing.
@gojkoadzic I have almost the exact same photo! Lovely place. ๐
@morgan_gary My husband introduced me to this mystery via Reddit – so nuts!