@lucykbain Ooh, you want to be step buddies? (I’m doing a work challenge for Feb. Could be up for lunch walks…)
RT @BetootaAdvocate: Man Who Already Has A Visible Lack Of Interest In Personal Grooming Vows To Boycott Gillette: https://t.co/3JrNldCkth…
@MelissaKaulfuss I trained myself to drink my coffee black. I’ve also experimented with making my own coconut yogurt (since it’s so $$ to buy). It’s pretty easy if you can get your hands on some starter. (No special device needed; I did it on the stove and then in the oven.)
Short-row sleeves, White Russian, and cat documentary. 😺 I am very happy with my life choices. https://t.co/cn1jLGWNhO https://t.co/UFWvhiKfrF