Shared today on Twitter

@randomknits Ugh, that sucks. πŸ™

Successfully built a web app today with serverless backend, REST API, user authentication, and DynamoDB integration. Then I went to Coles and only realised halfway through the shop that my shorts were on backwards. πŸ™„

@darthted I know exactly what you mean.

@twasink Yup.

@msharp @wingletang Hmmm. I don’t do a lot of toy knitting – too fiddly – so I’ll pass on these!! Thanks. πŸ™‚

Thinking of all my friends at #LCA2019 this week and hoping they have the BEST time! So proud to see the Art + Tech miniconf happening again due to amazing efforts of @maetl. πŸ‘πŸ–ΌοΈβ€οΈπŸ’» @minxdragon @KathyReid @unixbigot @voltagex and everybody else…

@jeffblankenburg @AmazonPrime I’ve recently discovered Schitts Creek on Netflix and I’m really enjoying it!

@Techman_83 Awwww, glad to see the Hug Detector is still happening!! ❀️

@voltagex @maetl @minxdragon @KathyReid @unixbigot That was more the “waving at folks I’m sad I won’t get to catch up with” part of the tweet. πŸ™‚

There were some good tech puns in the replies to this one. Just now over coffee the Snook offered his: “Unit tests passed; integration tests failed!”