Shared today on Twitter

2019 is the year I go to war on drive-by Meetup RSVPers who don’t turn up. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

@zarahjutz There’s no set plan yet on how I plan to punish them, but I’m working on it.

Folks in SYD, come along on Feb 5th to engage with @jrhunt, delivering his world famous AWS re:Invent re:Cap – great opportunity to learn about all the services launched last year and get more details – @AWSCloudANZ

@jrhunt LOL, you can thank @wadeis for the specific wording. 😉

@Gaohmee My Dad just texted me from the US about this! He’s too much of a wimp to step out in the cold and take a photo for me. 😛

@Gaohmee I now have some photos of blurry blobs of light. 😂

Looking for a new role? I’m hiring a dedicated Startup Solutions Architect for my team in Sydney. If you live and breathe tech and have startup experience under your belt, I’d love to talk to you about this one!

@NaveenS16 Just because I was basing it off an existing tutorial:

@heuschnupf Neither. Basically forked the web app tutorial from here:

RT @ReinH: well I can’t argue with this

@richbuggy @JessTelford I know – I gave him my wish list like a year ago. Code faster Jess!! 😂