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A flat-felled sleeve shoulder seam is a thing of beauty.

A flat-felled sleeve shoulder seam is a thing of beauty.

@lucykbain I’ve done classes at both Sew Make Create in Chippendale and Bobbin & Ink in Petersham. Both are great!

Long walk with my bestie on a beautiful summer day! We went around Blackwattle Bay, through Lilyfield, around the Bay Run, and ended in Balmain. #sotired

@annie_parker Nah, caught the 433 home. Got a bit more sewing to do tonight!

Homemade kombucha! It actually tastes good, and so far I’m not dead yet! 💃

@knitterjp @gilmae @randomknits But as I said on Insta – his is prettier! So I side with jam on top.

All that’s left are the buttons! 🍍🏝❤️

@developerjack Thank you!

@gilmae East Sydney?!

@gilmae Chippo’s not East Sydney! We’re City of.

@laimelde @mmastertheone sent it to me just before you did!

@gilmae Right. With Strathfield and Lakemba. (This is like one of those maps with Australia at the top.)

RT @WomenSciAUST: TODAY IS INTERNATIONAL DAY OF WOMEN AND GIRLS IN SCIENCE! Celebrate your collaborators & colleagues, work mates, friends,…