Shared today on Twitter

RT @markedly: Dunkin Donuts: Sorry, we’re out of chocolate glazed.

Me: [about to lose it] No Mark, save this feeling. Use it for your ar…

RT @yow_conf: Did you watch @ctford’s #YOW18 talk Functional Composition, where he shows how to make music with the basic building block of…

RT @MichelePlayfair: Crikey – only 30 days left to get your submission in to #yowdata and #yowlj! Go go go!

Whoa cool! A long time ago, @hannahyanfield, @LucindaBurtt, and I were part of a focus group for a webseries about women in tech. And now it’s here! “Resting Pitch Face” from @grumpysailorsyd ❤️

@crankymate LOL. Saw this tweet and knew without scrolling back you were talking about the Weezer version. 😂

RT @dhh: Good long-read contrasting what happened to FogBugz, which stuck to its “rewrites are the worst thing ever” ideology, and Basecamp…

Reminder for the Aussies – I’ve got two spare tickets available for Cursed Child on March 13th!

@teqnomad That news has been out a while!