RT @aleta_k: I would like the success of women to come at the expense of blokes like this 👇 https://t.co/BdIUrElTIU
RT @gilfer: We waited for you last year but you didn’t rock up. November 19, every year. https://t.co/5vLE1UkRcx https://t.co/hDGrLKnLnA
Really, really in the mood to watch Brie Larson punch aliens in the face. #captainmarvel 🍦🥂⭐️ https://t.co/YC3NMOOVg7 https://t.co/B13j2zLruB
Let’s be honest – casting Jude Law in your film is as much a spoiler these days as casting Sean Bean.
I can’t be the only person greeting their cat with “Who’s a cute widdle Flerkin??” today. 😻
I had some lingering questions about the Captain Marvel plot that I shared on Metafilter. Trying to figure out how the plot actually hung together really kept me from enjoying the film as much as I wanted to. 🙁 https://t.co/oEWynoIZQF