If you’re not releasing quickly, you can’t fail quickly. It takes too long to experiment, and you end up with a mediocre product. @amirmohtasebi sharing some hard-won lessons. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops https://t.co/yUic2m5pK6
PCR runbooks can be really helpful for on-call engineers, but they can also introduce bias when folks rigidly follow steps rather than look at the problem in front of them. @amirmohtasebi #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops https://t.co/QNgBRvQ23n
DEV!! OPS!! 😂 Andrew Nimick from @NZMETweets waking up the post-lunch crowd at @DevOpsTalks. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops https://t.co/rW43xCMXvj
DevOps is all about flow. A gate stops you in your tracks – it’s a handoff, it’s wasteful. A stile allows the flow to continue. #dotcnz #dotc19 https://t.co/YXor7zorde
Grrrrrrrrrrrr. 🤬 https://t.co/4rTE1EHyRV
@johnallsopp Next time a conference vendor gives me a straight cut shirt, I won’t be responsible for my actions. 🔥
Penultimate talk of the day is Mike Owen and Ankit Gupta sharing @SparkNZ DevOps journey. They started with a daunting set of issues: legacy apps, decades of technical debt, 12-18mo delivery cycles, and more. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops https://t.co/HhdymZgvH2
Experiment with a centralised Ops Team failed to deliver on intended benefits, so they tried embedding Ops into Dev teams. That worked better, but still not ideal. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops https://t.co/pLPFkwvwzj
Eventually @SparkNZ ended on a modified version of Spotify model, which has allowed them to move through a number of initiatives and deliver faster. #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops https://t.co/WCnaqvipWa
@mmastertheone I saw. 🤬
Loving the energy that @riferrei is bringing to the last talk of the day. Hey, he’s Deadpool! 😂 #dotc19 #dotcnz #devops https://t.co/XENMcml4h9
Hey #dotcnz the song is [500 Miles]
DOH!! * 2. 😂
Awesome! @riferrei has made his very cool Alexa+AWS+Spotify+Kafka demo available. If you want to get your hands dirty with stream processing, you should check it out! #dotcnz #dotc19 #devops https://t.co/4U1auJGpUW
RT @MaryRobinette: Let’s talk about spacesuits, specifically Extravehicular Mobility Units, and being a #ladyastronaut.
The EMUs on the IS…
NZ ❤️ https://t.co/UXBjldQtwd https://t.co/HE1sZQVOl4
@jennski @amylouboyle @newrelic Gorgeous photo ladies!!
RT @dingfelder: Great start at @DevOpsTalks #dotcnz listening to John talk about #DevOps https://t.co/y45oE8UEd8
The 7 deadly diseases of DevOps are the things that keep your change efforts from fully succeeding. @botchagalupe #dotcnz #dotc19 https://t.co/0G08hmK1Pd
Dark debt is the unforeseen interdependencies and complexities you can’t see by looking at any one part of the system. @botchagalupe #dotcnz #dotc19 https://t.co/QrFoFrLASu https://t.co/1bXBWSp7Oz
Engaged in a long side channel debate about whether assuming familiarity with Star Wars in a tech conference talk is “subtly discriminatory.” I’m arguing no, but is that me just not recognising the geek tribal water I’m swimming in?
I just don’t think Star Wars is seen as geeky anymore. Is it? I feel like when there’s a themed land at DisneyWorld, it’s crossed into ubiquity.
RT @anildash: So glad to see the blockchain finally make it to Jeopardy! https://t.co/AN8WniBCxU
It appears @AnthonyRees has planted his flag on the “AMI is pronounced Amy” side of the debate. 🤔 #dotcnz #dotc19
@rikkiends @NatDudley @AstroHyde @mmastertheone Does it matter if SW knowledge wasn’t critical to understand the talk? Does that make it better or worse?
@sophiebits You think? I HAAAATE it. I hate that it breaks tap-to-scroll on iPhones, and that it enforces extra clicks for me to get to the real URL to share. I haven’t seen benefits to outweigh that.
RT @apaipi: As a conference organiser (for 20 years) yes, some people still feel it is unfair to think of diversity when inviting speakers.…
As a timer at a conference, there is no better feeling than seeing the speaker see your signal and acknowledge it without breaking a stride. #dotcnz #dotc19 https://t.co/Tqtl761SP5
Session 2 kicking off. Managed to sneak in a selfie with @amylouboyle and @DefSol during the break! #dotc19 #dotcnz https://t.co/9rZMAH3MHW
@bazscott Huh. I thought SW was ubiquitous with kids these days – probably would’ve made that mistake myself. 🙁
@hannahcancode Exactly! And I LOVED that talk. 😂 @_sarahyo named her preso yesterday after “How to lose a guy in 10 days”, which I thought was awesome. (No knowledge of the movie was required.)
@AnthonyRees Have you seen https://t.co/dFVt5RyJ9C ? Some people feel strongly about this. 😂
@gilmae I only get half of your references anyway. 😂
RT @riferrei: Building things-as-code is the future of how we develop software. The cool thing about hanging with #DevOps engineers in a co…
“OMG it fine” is definitely going to be my next response when I get paged for an alert. 😂 @amylouboyle #dotc19 #dotcnz https://t.co/kafBxuzZt8
@frankarr @AstroHyde @AWSCloudANZ Waving at both of you!! 👋❤️
Talk recommendation from @amylouboyle: Better Incident Management to Reduce MTTR. #dotc19 #dotcnz https://t.co/ox8pgiLOTm
Enjoying Ken’s machine learning classifier talk, especially as I’m working on a similar project using @awscloud Sagemaker! (Mine isn’t for hot dogs though.) 😂 #dotc19 #dotcnz https://t.co/60JfIjQGRB
@Katellification It’s a shame we had sausages yesterday! 😂
@nickyringland @AstroHyde Loving the tweets – wish I was there!!