@Jonwestenberg I could probably sing that album straight through. It was basically the soundtrack to my freshman year of uni. 🙂
Me when @auxesis throws an unexpected AWS question at me during his talk… 😂 #dotcnz #dotc19 https://t.co/8X2V55rUhr
@jennski Leftovers from @_sarahyo’s stash… 😁
@auxesis For the record, Amazon S3 was launched in March 2006. 😁👍 #dotc19 #dotcnz
@nathenharvey @meatmaiden @jennski @amylouboyle @mattstratton YOU DIDNT TELL ME IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY. I’d have gotten everyone to sing to you!! 😜
RT @nickyringland: We could do an entire day on the ethics of AI. – @aileengemma
So much awesome in one photo!! 😍 #AWScommunity https://t.co/MTb7HUmK4L
“Technical people love to talk about culture, but the truth is…” 💩 @auxesis #dotcnz #dotc19 https://t.co/OG5Dq5a9M3
RT @Katellification: “Change your org’s values by changing your Artifacts” @auxesis that includes the ceremonies, the CD pipeline etc. #dot…
PagerDuty reports 750,000 sleep-interrupting incident notifications, @mattstratton says. “Why should you care if you’re not the one carrying the pager?” Because a non-zero percentage of those were received by the person sharing my bedroom! #dotcnz #dotc19 https://t.co/Bh7zjDZt7u
Incident Commanders shouldn’t also be resolvers. If they are the best person to resolve, they should hand off Commander responsibility. As Ron Swanson says, “don’t half-ass two jobs. Whole ass one job.” 👏 @mattstratton #dotcnz #dotc19 https://t.co/TzwEigC3Vc
As Incident Commander, the phrase you want to avoid when assigning tasks is “Can someone…?” You need to make a clear assignment, time box it, and get acknowledgement. Avoid bystander effect. @mattstratton #dotcnz #dotc19 https://t.co/fg0CMMvcvV
@philnash Point me at the registration page pls. 😂
@jennski I can sell you some Drop Bear repellent.
RT @lofourie: Thanks @pagerduty! Winning this echodot is definitely the highlight of my #dotcnz experience. And will all these great presen…
@codepo8 @lofourie @pagerduty Took me a second. 😂
#dotcnz If you’re interested in joining the AWS team in NZ, my DMs are open! Here’s an example of what we’re after: https://t.co/kp3kjHEBq6
@melissa_loh It’s okay. You are a massive nerd in other ways. 😂❤️
RT @AstroHyde: Thanks to @aileengemma @web_goddess @frankarr & everyone @AWSCloudANZ who made this possible. I haven’t felt this optimistic…
@meacod @GlennSarti @auxesis He wasn’t talking about working environment – he was talking about culture from, like, a sociological perspective. There are experts on how artifacts, values, and behaviours interoperate… and we aren’t them. 😂
Sorry I had to run to the airport #dotcnz! Absolutely loved getting to meet you and be part of this amazing @DevOpsTalks NZ event. ❤️👋
@DefSol Thank you so much! You were an excellent substitute @nathenharvey (and you didn’t sneak any GCP stickers into my bag)… 😂
My actual face while reading this article about celery demand spiking: https://t.co/cboSucUaoF. (CELERY YOU ARE THE WORST) https://t.co/rkCVHXBnnG
@software_opal That would be more understandable and less disgusting.
@annie_parker I honestly don’t understand it. I can take it (and maybe even appreciate it) as part of a stew, but raw? It’s actively offensive.
RT @XboxANZ: RT for a chance to fly higher, further, and faster with a custom Captain Marvel Xbox One X. #CaptainMarvelXboxSweepstakes
See ya, Auckland! It’s been fun. 👋 https://t.co/oWijbUPnb5 https://t.co/KNPLIC2Poe
@jennski @DevOpsTalks Like 30 min! Bunch of worrywarts.
Occasionally in life, there are trying times that show you who you really are.
Today I learned I’m the type of middle-aged woman who will cause a fuss when the duty-free lady tries to overcharge me $3 on my gin.
@unixbigot Dear god. I hereby bequeath all celery to you, from all humanity, in perpetuity. Maybe if you eat it all, there will be none left to torment the rest of us.