Shared today on Twitter

At the doctor getting vaccinations before our trip to the US. Because this is what it’s come to – where travelling to a first world country requires immunisation against diseases that should’ve been wiped out last century. 🤨

@Reidyd Measles booster. There are outbreaks there (and here, to be fair).

At the salon. “Is that… a Ferris Bueller quote on Elle magazine??” Yup.

RT @colmmacc: Does anyone else feel that they basically lucked into a high paying career because their interests randomly aligned with scar…

Now that the Show has finished, I can finally show off the Baratheon Pullover! The pattern is by Norah Gaughan, and the wool was from @gusseting’s 2011 “Ton of Wool” project. Sadly no ribbon 🤷‍♀️, but I’m very happy with it. More details over on Rav:

@MichelePlayfair We basically take that approach even without any kids. If one of us has an intense job (which in recent years has been me), the other picks up the slack to support.

It’s called the “Barack Oburger” and it’s a bacon cheeseburger pizza. 😂❤️ #yeswecan